V14b2 beta
V14b2 beta
A few bug fixes are in this new version (the biggest one being template merging) and also an important addition to scripts: they can now be classified using a path.
Using a path for scripts has two goals:
– help in classifying its own scripts (for instance, tools, events, custom views, etc.)
– help in keeping scripts organized when using templates or importing scripts: by keeping all your scripts under a given path, it will prevent the list of scripts to endlessly grow and become unmanageable. I strongly recommend to use a reverse domain name like path (something like /net/pierrox/lightning_launcher).
Full ChangeLog: http://www.lightninglauncher.com/wordpress/change-log/
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A way to organize scripts, cooool
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Pierre Hébert is it intended that in getScriptByName() and runScript() the name of the script must include the path?
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Mirko Kohler yes. If you don’t use path, these method work the same as before. As soon as you use path, I think it makes sense to include the path otherwise it becomes too ambiguous.
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really cool, but when i open the script editor it now always shows the first script in list and not the last edited one and that’s pretty anoying
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It seems it happens when the sub directories option is checked only, I’ll look at this.
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Pierre Hébert it makes sense. Don’t forget to update api documentation for this methods. runScript claims for name: name of the script as found in the script editor. There under name the path isn’t shown.