Show and hide panels from Tasker.

Show and hide panels from Tasker. Hi, I’ve just discovered LL and although it’s got a bit of a learning curve I’m having a lot of fun discovering it’s power.

I’ve been playing with Tasker, variables and bindings with success. However I have a specific requirement that I’m struggling with. What I want is an area on the desktop that changes based on criteria in Tasker. Typically this will be a set of icons that appear if I’m at work and another for home. I have the profiles setup in Tasker. I know I can set the visibility of icons based on variables and set these from Tasker. However rather than setting these up individually what I’d like to do is use panels. Basically I want to hide or show panels from Tasker. The problem is that the basic panel does not seem to have any binding options. I having been looking at sidebars but these don’t seem to be quite right for my purposes as I don’t want a popup that appears across all pages and I don’t need a folder, just a group of shortcuts that appear on the desktop.

Any ideas other than setting individual bindings on each object?

8 Commentsto Show and hide panels from Tasker.

  1. Hi, Panels have bindings.

    Long press on screen that has panel. Press pencil. In edit screen press the panel. Press the pencil for edit. Now you see bindings in the options.

  2. Chris Lee says:

    Thanks! I’m not sure if it’s a bug but here is how I was trying to do it: Long press on panel itself. Select pencil icon. Press 5th button from left in grey area at bottom of edit page. Looks like a paint brush. Properties box appears for correct panel. Text, icon, pos, box, events and misc appear, but no bindings options.

  3. the properties you see in the scenario you described are the default ones for items in the panel, not the panel item itself.

  4. Chris Lee yeah, it took me while to figure that out, how panels have bindings.

    Can you tell me, what do we have to put in the tasker variable to trigger visibility. After reading your post, I thought: that’s a nice one to try.

  5. I figured it out: true and false for the tasker variables.

  6. I think that, what you want, could be done without tasker. (probably root needed) I do not know what you use for criteria.

    But a bind/script could do:

    a) day and time (no root)

    b) wifi-id

    c) gsm-cell-id

    d) combination of the above.

    just search this forum a bit.

  7. Chris Lee says:

    Hi Jappie, I think your right. You could probably create the contexts within LL without Tasker at all. I’ve no doubt that would work just fine for some people. However in my case I’ve already been using Tasker for a long time and my profiles are set up nicely.

  8. Chris Lee says:

    Hi Evelien, you figured it out before I had a chance to get back to you. You can certainly set the binding to a simple variable and then set it to true or false from within Tasker. In my case I have a single profile variable that can be set to different values on the Tasker side. Then I can react to its different values based on conditional statements on the LL side. For example a binding of $TaskerProfile1==”Night”. If I set the variable to ‘Night’ then the panel appears. This way I can setup different visibility settings using a single variable.

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