Chris Lee
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We’ve had no software updates since February 2017.
We’ve had no software updates since February 2017. Does anyone know the status of the project, has it been abandoned at this point?
If i want to get a lock as I designed due to prevent to change by each user. Is there any… method?
I’m going to prepare for special edition for family on my car-launcher.
Once user press the icon(e.g (+)) then into the gallery and can select favorite picture on fixed frame layer.
Is there any idea for this?
]]>If i want to disappear board line of i handle this.
As I see, there is no option to 100% transparency on PANEL.
]]>I want to make something special feedback when user click the icon.
closed app.
I’ve made some case for feedback
1) colorized icon(when i pressed)
2) changed icon with shadow
3) deformation of icon
Is there any idea for this implementation(script)
]]>I would like to add license for paid app on google store.
gerd reuter You always make me cheer up!
Pierre Hébert urgent issue.!
I just make own template with APK via AIDE app.
My head unit is 1024*600, once I install APK other resolution(eg phone; 1024*720 or higher device) arrangement of ICONS and wallpaper has distortion.
In LL, there is not auto scaling with streatch?
]]>KyungJoon Lee 이번에 앱을 apk로 만들었는데 다른 해상도, 유사한 해상도 다른 기기에서 설치하면 틀어지더라구요. 원래 자동으로 스케일 되는게 아니였나요?
전에는 돼었던거 같은데…혹시 이유좀 아실까 해서요…^^
템플릿은 1024×600에서 만들어서 1024×720이나 그 이상 해상도에서 아이콘이나 배경화면이 틀어지네요