hon keung chung could you elaborate further? It seems to me that if something was pinned in one direction, you could scroll away and then couldn’t scroll it back.
I’d be curious as to what you want to do with that feature. In my mind if you at something to be pinned to left only. Whenever you move left it would float on top of everything but the moment you move to the right it would essentially have to place itself in that location on that part of your desktop.
The possibilities might be interesting but I’m not thinking of anything too useful.
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hon keung chung could you elaborate further? It seems to me that if something was pinned in one direction, you could scroll away and then couldn’t scroll it back.
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I’d be curious as to what you want to do with that feature. In my mind if you at something to be pinned to left only. Whenever you move left it would float on top of everything but the moment you move to the right it would essentially have to place itself in that location on that part of your desktop.
The possibilities might be interesting but I’m not thinking of anything too useful.
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Chris Chastain that is the question .