So I tried messing around with panels last night for a solid hour after watching the LL youtube video on it, and…

So I tried messing around with panels last night for a solid hour after watching the LL youtube video on it, and gave up.

If anyone has the time ( or a link to something they have already done ) could I get a simple step by step write up on how to do it? I could create / add a panel like the video showed , but the finer details of the settings  to create the panel ( and have it look nice )were very blury and I couldn’t really emulate the setting options on my phone. What I could do, was make a panel, see its outline in edit mode, but trying to fill in spacing in the box position options didn’t seem to give the panel any fill in/visibility, and I couldn’t seem to add apps into the panel from the panel settings, I could add icons, and text only.

This made me really think I was missing some steps which is why I decided to post a request for a good , simple step by step tutorial with good description of what the basic options are for and do.

I am sure that if someone writes it, it will get added to the wiki.


7 Commentsto So I tried messing around with panels last night for a solid hour after watching the LL youtube video on it, and…

  1. Anonymous says:

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    You are aware of the long tap descriptions? 


  2. Anonymous says:

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    Panels follow both standard items rules and folder rules. The only difference is the long tap on a panel: it will display a menu which apply to the content of the panel, not the panel item itself.

    If you want to add items in the panel, modify their style, or more generally modify what is inside, long tap on the panel.

    If you want to modify the box, i.e. the container, enter edit mode in the desktop containing the panel, and only after long tap on the panel to get standard items settings (background, borders, etc.).


  3. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Did not know about long tap, will have try that, thanks! Pierre Hébert in your video about panels when you go into one of the settings options you are assignning a number to something (not in the spacing/padding menu) what was the purpose of that?


  4. Anonymous says:

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    Description of Video

    – Adding, Positioning & Resizing Panel – 

    1st – Add Panel:  Long tap on desktop then tap add panel.

    2nd – Position Panel: Long tap on panel and move to your position.

    3rd – Resize Panel: Drag slider bars to disered position also note that there are three different states the first being the size of the panel, the second will scale the panel and the content inside of it and the third will rotate the panel.

    4th – Adding items: Drag and drop items that you would like to be inside of the panel.

    Also note that most of this is done while Pierre is in edit desktop mode which is noticed by the grid being in view.

    – Customize Panel Options – 

    The first option Pierre selects from long tapping on the panel and selecting “Customize panel options” or in updated version Panel Settings. In the “Panel Settings” you would set the default settings for items, whether you want a icon pack applied to the icons in the panel and various other options.

    What Pierre Hébert did was make the panel a 3 (columns) x 1 (row) so that the icons wouldn’t be cut off and fit correctly inside of the panel. (What you asked Pierre Hébert about)

    – Customize the actual Panel Style –

    What Pierre Hébert did when he went back to the panel and selected the first option from long tapping “Customize item  -> More” is going to affect the actual style of the Panel not the contents inside of the panel.

    So once Pierre Hébert is in the Panel Style options he taps on the option “Box” then selects “content” which will also select the borders. Then he set the “Selected Color” to transparent. After that he set a nine patch (a .png file that gives the Panel its dock look) but in the updated version it should be “Normal background” and “Selected Background” then it shows him browsing to the background he wants for his panel.


  5. Anonymous says:

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    Hope that helps I was switching back and forth from the video to my tablet so some of the options and screens may be different in updated versions of Lightning Launcher, some of my labels may not be correct.


  6. Anonymous says:

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    I am sure it will, I will give it a try soon. I think part of the problem is I see so much potential in LL that when I finally sit down to try something out, I just get overwhelmed.


  7. Anonymous says:

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    As do I.


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