Last post regarding the icon ;-) (Edit: or maybe not?)

Last post regarding the icon 😉 (Edit: or maybe not?)

So which one do you prefer ?

Left is from Viggo Jorgen, Second is a variation of the one from Jacob Barton.


22 Commentsto Last post regarding the icon ;-) (Edit: or maybe not?)

  1. Anonymous says:

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    Should I reformulate this way: “Which one do you hate less?” 😉


  2. Anonymous says:

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    I can only speak for myself: agreed, I am no artist. But at least one from the two looks very good to me.

    I cannot afford services of professional designers (which are not a guarantee of a good job by the way, experienced this already in another life…).


  3. Anonymous says:

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    I like the shape of the bolt on the left one more but the style of the right more.. Maybe have the left bolt overlapping on the right circle


  4. Anonymous says:

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    I like the right, but the similarity to tasker is there, which may have been mentioned in previous posts about it.


  5. Anonymous says:

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    I think the right bolt looks like a sideways hourglass…


  6. Anonymous says:

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    Right +10


  7. Anonymous says:

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    Left one looks significantly more Material.


  8. Anonymous says:

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    Right looks like 2005-style.

    Left is much better.

    Maybe you try other versions?


  9. Anonymous says:

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    Viggo Jorgen​ had better suggestions, like red bolt on dark grey background. Not a fan of both. But if I had too choose, it’d be the left one.


  10. Anonymous says:

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    Or red bolt on white, no circle around. Much cleaner.


  11. Anonymous says:

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    LL – this is a good title to draw it in the icon.

    You might need something like this:


  12. Anonymous says:

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    I like the design of the lightning in the left icon, but the lightning is imprisoned in the circle, which collides wigh the LLX idea that there are no limits. The right icon expresses this idea, but I don’t like the lightning. If possible, take the left lightning and let it break out the right circle.

    If it HAS to be one of them, left feels oppressive (oppressant, etouffant) So I vote right.


  13. Anonymous says:

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    Bart Hoste​ “no limits” is a great interpretation. Suggestion sounds good. Flat round background with lightning bolt. Red on dark grey. Very very dark grey. Or white.


  14. Anonymous says:

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    I kind of agree with the everyone here. I know for sure the first thing I wanted to see when +Viggo Jorgen posted his, was the red bolt on dark gray. In fact, I think that is what I commented on his post, but I definitely like the “no limits” idea as well. I would like to see one with the style of Viggo’s in dark gray and red bolt with and without breaking the boundaries of the circle. But I like both, so I’m happy ether way!


  15. Anonymous says:

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    While I like both of these, and would be happy with either, I would also like to see the left bolt on the right icon. Having said that… I realize that this whole thing could easily be dragged out eternally.

    I also think that while this whole “Material” thing was a nice freshening of Android’s look, it’s become just the next fad… not unlike when Holo design hit the streets.

    An app’s icon is it’s “brand” and must transcend whatever design is currently in style, because fads come and go. Material will too.

    Just the opinion of someone that has been gainfully employed as a graphic artist for 30 years now.

    Ok. Carry on. 😉


  16. Anonymous says:

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    i have voted for the righe one, even i am not really excited of both.  i still would like to see something fresh, different, new or breathtaking ;-))


  17. Anonymous says:

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    I voted right, but again the Tasker thing is going to be hard to avoid one way or another


  18. Anonymous says:

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    Saw Josh Gray​ ‘s new icon posted above and has to compare both bolts again.

    I’d prefer a one like the left one with the broader top, not the one similar to an “S”. That’s more like a lightning strike.


  19. Anonymous says:

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    Chris Chastain your points are excellent. While an app’s icon shouldn’t give the impression that the app is stagnant; the more important thing is to convey the character of the application. Bart Hoste​ has nailed it with the words “No limits” Being consistent with that idea is more important than consistency with a design standard Google will replace with something else. (from the way it looks probably before this argument is over and all the wounded feelings have callused over :-P)

    The resemblance to the Tasker icon isn’t something anyone should worry about. Of course there’s a lightning bolt, that’s the name of the app. No one could accuse anyone of stealing that from tasker. In addition, this launcher appeals to the kind of people who like tasker, so if it does remind people of Tasker that’s actually a good thing.


  20. Anonymous says:

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    What an unbelievable feedback! I would never have imagined that this could be so complex. And I am surprised to see that  the left one is not gathering more votes.

    As Chris Chastain, I don’t believe in Material being here to last too long because things are always moving. And they are moving damn fast when it comes to mobile computing.

    There will be a beta soon dealing with the appearance inside the app (more on this later), but what is interesting to note is that it will have three different looks depending on the android version on which the app is running: gingerbread, holo and material. The 2.3 feel was viewed as a great achievement. Then there was Holo which was designed to bring stability, and now welcome to Material! Who’s next 😉


  21. Anonymous says:

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    I’ve voted for the left one because I feel an icon should have a boundary and the content should stay within it, unless all your icons follow that same style, but I also like the bolt that’s not obviously a bolt so I guess a mixture of the 2. I haven’t got a graphical design bone in my body but if I was going to have a go i’d maybe try to arrange 2 L’s to look like a lightning bolt without looking too much like L7. 


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