What would be the best way to show a large animated gif fullscreen?
What would be the best way to show a large animated gif fullscreen? by large I mean 1920*1080. Android TV doesn’t support live wallpapers so I came up with 2 workarounds. #1. is a shortcut with a gif as the icon but even if I make the shortcut full screen I still have to scale the icon up a lot which obviously is a bad idea and causes performance issues lol the other workaround was to use a custom view containing a webview and just resize it to fill the screen and have that load the file I haven’t tried this yet because i’m not near the TV but I think it will work great just not sure about performance if anyone has any other ideas let me know.
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i use #1, doesn’t have significant performance issues for me but it guess it’s because my gif is small (720×1280 and 30 frames)
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Is that gif displayed full screen azwell?
The homescreens got a lot of things on it so the 1080p res can probably be knocked down to a lower res and probably wont be very noticeable.
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yes, it’s on my homescreen and full screen. i recall sometime ago TrianguloY wrote a script that can toggle the animating features of a gif so perhaps that can be useful to minimize the performance issues when you don’t need the gif animating
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Nice il see if i can dig it up should be useful.
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So just for testing i have this gif running fullscreen in a webview inside a CustomView https://media.giphy.com/media/PIMzW8ECAOMKI/giphy.gif
The HD version of it fullscreen seems to play a little slow but I have no idea how many FPS the gif is i’m guessing its quite high though. So I think with a simpler/ lower FPS and a different resolution this should be alright performance wise 🙂 I still haven’t found that script G+ searching seems to have got worse.
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I think he means https://plus.google.com/105066926163073195690/posts/1GpeJs5Ar22
Not sure about the efficiency…and not sure if the script still works :/
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There might be another option: instead of a gif you may try to play a video. In theory this should be possible to do that through scripting, although not trivial, and it would be much more efficient and smooth.
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A video would be great will look into that. A nice video of the ocean with waves would be really cool.