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Is it possible to link an event to an Item (shortcut, Panel, Folder, …) in a script ?
For example: I’m creating shortcuts in a script and I would like to associate an event (eg. call another script with specific parameters) when the shortcut is ‘long tapped’. Is this possible ?
Thanks in advance for your help!
]]>How do I change the animation used to enter the App Drawer?
I’m looking for help.
I would like to create shortcuts to my recent contacts in a script. Using tasker and AutoContact, I’m able to build a JSON array containing the contact ID and contact name of the 10 last recent contacts.
The goal is to iterate this JSON array in a script that would build a list of shortcuts to open these contacts and add them in a Panel.
Part of the script I’m using to create the shortcut based on the contact ID:
var contactID = “207”; //to be iterated
var contactName = “My Contact”; //to be iterated
var intent = Intent.parseUri(“content://” + contactID + “#Intent;action=android.provider.action.QUICK_CONTACT;;launchFlags=0x10018000;;end”,0);
var addedShortcut = myPanel.getContainer().addShortcut(contactName ,intent,0,0);
It works fine: the shortcut is created and it opens the contact but I need help to retrieve the icon that corresponds to the contact: sometimes it is a picture, somtimes it is a material icon representing the first letter of the contact name. Any idea how I could achieve this ?
Any hint/idea is welcome!
]]>Adding icon from Chrome to home screen does not work on Oreo.
Window layout got broken with latest release 14.2:
Following code doesn’t pan the screen anymore (when entering an edit text within a custom view on focus change), but did prior to the update:
]]>Last little Bug i found in 2017.
Last little Bug i found in 2017.
The “copy style” option in “editer mode” doesn’t “stick” if one restart LLX. See video.
The “Target” items are on another desktop in a 3×1 Pannel.