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I’ve a problem with locking screen.
When unlocking, it doesn’t show the previous working app (let’s say I’m in the photo gallery or calendar, it doesn’t really matter) but directly goes to home screen…
Any thoughts?
Thank you..!
(device: rooted Xperia Z3 compact running Lollipop 5.1.1)
]]>getCurrentDesktop doesn’t return the app drawer in the app drawer. Is this intended?
This seems like a bug: LL shows up in the Recent Apps list.
I found that if I go to Lightning Settings –> General – Lock Screen and uncheck “Launch Unlock,” LL no longer shows up in Recents and the screen wakes to whatever was running when it went to sleep instead of going to the home screen. I don’t use LL’s lock screen, so I’m not sure how this setting would effect it. Also, LL did start showing up Recents again, even though Launch Unlock was still unchecked.Checking, then unchecking it restores the desired behavior. So it seems unchecking it sets something that can be reset without necessarily check ing it again.
If I understand correctly, Launch Unlock will cause the screen to unlock when an app is launched from LL’s lock screen. This shouldn’t have any effect since I’m not using LL’s lock screen.
]]>This is the first of a list of Bug Report posts.
In this way we can focus our attention and discuss them one by one.
Bindings are NOT updated in a “matryoshka” of containers
I saw that someone already report a similiar bug but with folders, maybe both are causes of the same thing…
For matryoshka of containers I mean many containers one inside the others (obviously).
For example, we suppose to be in this generic context:
Desktop (yes, it is also a container) -> container1 -> container2 -> item
Well, the bindings setted to that item (or container, dynamic text, customView..) will be not updated unless we restart LL.
This happen only when 3 or more cointainers are involved && every time LL is paused and then resumed.
The usual question
Someone has already addressed or can confirm this bug?
]]>Long pressing on an icon on the desktop no longer works.
Bind-ed variables in folder-title are not updated instantly like in shortcut-title.
Only after restart of LL new value is reflecred.
This might be case for last few versions, but has worked instantly before.
2. Drawer shortcut and “all apps” are broken. When I am using all apps on desktop it tend to not responding for some time (10 sec – 1 min).
With zooper, all apps and drawer shortcut are sending me to the last lighting Launcher page. What I mean is when using ll lock screen it back to lock screen, when ll options was closed with home button, it will back to options. Similar to before: 10 sec-1 min.
It happens 4/5 of time. After it load drawer it will work splendid. Until I put phone for some time.
]]>Hi Pierre Hébert
Hi Pierre Hébert
Look my screencast
On edit mode some items are displayed with bindings Visibility is 0
Do you want a template ? I know it’s not easy to reproduce
Each dock icon changing “page value” first is Main,second is Progs
Using variables for that on Bindings Visibility
]]>Setting of the Box is not functioning in the Binding. Please heal quickly.
Some bugs related to properties. Possibly more to come:
Bug #1
If you run this script from a shortcut (not a folder) it makes no error, but the item visibility is not changed.
var p=i.getProperties().edit();
Bug #2
If you run this script from a shortcut (not a folder) this error is shown, instead of ‘not valid property’ or other: “java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to read from field ‘java.lang.Object android.util.Pair.first’ on a null object reference”.
var p=i.getProperties().edit();