May, 2015

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Hi Pierre

Hi Pierre

Background is always my wallpaper now on icons (seems since 3 or 4 updates)

It’s really difficult, even impossible to create my analog clock with bindings


Help request with scripting to change the background color of an item (named background).

Help request with scripting to change the background color of an item (named background). When I run this nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?




dear all

dear all

I bought this launcher and hoping it can make my twitter notifications appear on the main desktop as a big font.

is it possible on lightning launcher?

any ready template ll be great for me.

and thank you in advance.

Seems dynamic calendar icon is no more working.

Seems dynamic calendar icon is no more working.

Could you check please ?


I’m trying to use bindings to set a label. $battery_level is returning a null value though?

I’m trying to use bindings to set a label. $battery_level is returning a null value though?


Is there an issue with icon themes?

Is there an issue with icon themes? I applied an icon theme for a panel and placed some shortcuts in it. This was done before V. 12.4 . Now (V. 12.5b6 and also 12.5b5) I place a new shortcut in the panel and want no theme on it. I pick a custom icon for it and change background to nothing. But after restart of lightning background from theme is applied again.


Still in its early stages. Let me know what you think.

Still in its early stages. Let me know what you think.


Updated german translation (Bindings)

Updated german translation (Bindings)


2 suggestions:

2 suggestions:

1: Could you add an event listener available for use with scripting to containers, which fires when a new item is added to that container. May not be a lot of use without scripts, but I could definitely think of some ways it would be useful with scripting.

2: I might have missed something, but I couldn’t find a straight forward way to get to know the default width and height of items that are new on in a container. This could be very useful when scripting too.

I really appreciate your hard work on this launcher!



I cant install the latest update.

I cant install the latest update.

In the playstore i get an error message.

“Update for “lightning Launcher” “could net be downloaded due to an error. (961)”

i know i have to empty the cache and try again. But what data is  actually stored in  the cache for lightning.  that’s just out of curiosity .

is there something in the update that gives a conflict or something?

thought you should know 🙂
