October, 2016

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scripting help: how to setBoxBackground to null (i.e. no image) via bindings?

scripting help: how to setBoxBackground to null (i.e. no image) via bindings?


Can we save icon background in App drawer?

Can we save icon background in App drawer?

It seems that .lla (Template) doesn’t save icon’s background, Mask, and Overlay.


I m using Vivo Y51 L

I m using Vivo Y51 L

While adding widget to LL it is showing error “unfortunately setting has stop”

But I can add widget with ss launcher no issue at all

Not only ll launcher but all those launcher which uses system setting app to add widget giving error

Only those launcher which have their own widget drawer is working fine

Why is this happening.. “”” Is this because lightning launcher use system setting to add widget whereas SS Launcher have it’s own widget drawer to add widget??? “”””

Waiting for valuable suggestion

Here you can see vertical scrolling with system wallpaper… Pierre Hébert​

Here you can see vertical scrolling with system wallpaper… Pierre Hébert​


How to close the current folder by script ? TrianguloY​

How to close the current folder by script ? TrianguloY​


Anyone remember what icon font Lightning uses?

Anyone remember what icon font Lightning uses?


Multitool b3 to follow Lightning b3:

Multitool b3 to follow Lightning b3:

Now you can add items directly from LL, no need for custom buttons anymore. Thanks to Pierre Hébert for that.

This is experimental on both Lightning and Multitool side, but it seems to work quite fine for me. Just don’t expect it not to crash.

This is the first version that is not compatible with Lightning < v14b3!

As a result there will be no stable release until Lightning goes out of beta.

As always: Feature requests welcome!

Reminder: You can still get the Music widget feature for free until end of this year if you are a beta tester and send me an email at support@faendir.com

You can sign up as beta tester here https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.faendir.lightning_launcher.multitool


Please include the option to delete a script folder (e.g. by long press) and maybe rename could be useful too.

Please include the option to delete a script folder (e.g. by long press) and maybe rename could be useful too.


V14b3 beta

V14b3 beta

What’s new?

The most visible change is the support for “plugins”: it consists in allowing the user to click on “Add item” and select either a built-in object, or a plugin loaded from an APK. You can try it with the sample clock APK (download it here : http://www.lightninglauncher.com/scripting/samples/Clock-2.1.apk) and watch the video to see how it works.

In fact the feature is currently pretty basic. At the moment, it is mostly the same as loading a script from a package, except that the APK is shown in the “Add item” dialog. More documentation and sample source code can be found here: http://www.lightninglauncher.com/wordpress/scripting/.

This sample clock plugin also demonstrates new features found in V14b3:

– support for customizing the item popup menu, meaning that you can now remove, or add items to create your own menu content, through script. Pretty much everything can be done, from easily adding a new menu item, to fully replace the whole popup content. There’s one limitation though: this is available for items, not for the container menu. This official hook replaces the smart but fragile implementation based on ViewTreeObserver.

– support for using Lightning preference controls (the ones used in the app’s settings screen). This can be used to easily create preference screens.

Naturally, that version also comes with a few bug fixes, but not that much. Good!

But there’s something bigger to come… stay tuned!

Full ChangeLog: http://www.lightninglauncher.com/wordpress/change-log/


If i want to get a lock as I designed due to prevent to change by each user. Is there any… method?

If i want to get a lock as I designed due to prevent to change by each user. Is there any… method?
