January, 2017

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I can’t seem to get the expand the notification tray with a gesture like a swipe down on the desktop.

I can’t seem to get the expand the notification tray with a gesture like a swipe down on the desktop. I have a note 4. Any help me on this

Hi, i wanted to ask how to back up and restore in the best way.

Hi, i wanted to ask how to back up and restore in the best way.

I want to format my phone completely because he’s filled with junk. .

So what are the steps.

1. Do i back up LL into apk? If so, where is it? And after that, save it to drive or something like that?

2. Format the phone.

3. Installing all the apps(actually only some of them) last kwgt and LL.

4. Restore from apk? Will it restore it exactly the way it was? Beside the missing apps, same layout and settings?

I’m not sure if to just build from the start, I’m afraid LL will restore some junk too, my theme is not that complicated, but still few hours work for me as ‘not a pro’ 😉

Hi Pierre

Hi Pierre,

I got a problem running my configuration after restarted my phone.

Is there a solution or do i need to clear app data and redo setup? (I’ve worked with multiple folders and generic swipe and pause events).




I need guidance please.

I need guidance please.

I have been using Lightning Launcher for quite a while now. I’ve recently installed FAST LAUNCHER PRO and enjoying it too for its simplest interface. Still I miss Lightning a lot.

Is there any possibility of creating a search bar exactly a functional and as similar to the one available with Fast Launcher Pro at the bottom of the Home Screen? It searches apps, contacts, toggle buttons and what not.

Help me please.

Crash report. Steps:

Crash report. Steps:

Make sure you have at least one folder in your app drawer.

Add a shortcut in your desktop to a lighting action ‘open folder’, choose a folder in your app drawer.

Open the folder from that shortcut from your desktop.

Long tap the background.

Settings, folder settings (or click the third icon)


Tested on two devices. Can someone else confirm it?


Update Italian translation (24 January 2017 16:35).

Update Italian translation (24 January 2017 16:35).

– Translated the new string added (about Lightining Live Wallpaper etc)


Getting lots of crashes while adding or rearranging things on desktops and app drawer.

Getting lots of crashes while adding or rearranging things on desktops and app drawer. What does Lightning Launcher Live Wallpaper is not yet enabled mean? Where do I enable it? Been having fun working with panels and making a sidebar 🙂


Hey there community!

Hey there community!

Lightning Launcher is absolutely incredible. I was watching it’s intro video and saw a theme that instantly caught my eye: https://youtu.be/QOzQ2CeLZcQ?t=8m21s

It is by Karsten Franke.

I was hoping that someone would know what this theme is called/has the play store link?

And if it is not a publicly available theme, then how would I go about duplicating it?

Any help would be highly appreciated.



THE_BEACH for KLWP PRO.. 1 pg with globals for music news weather map.. Link ⬇️.

THE_BEACH for KLWP PRO.. 1 pg with globals for music news weather map.. Link ⬇️.


Thx to David Ptk​for map Komponet

M. joseph™​ music Komponet

Templates by Corpvitizw TM​

Lightning launcher extreme

again with this question.

again with this question. I create a shortcut inside a panel with this script, if you see in the video when edit the layout of the panel the shortcut appear without icon, but when going back the icon show again and if I long press the shortcut LL crash. Pierre Hébert What I’m doing wrong?

var d=LL.getCurrentDesktop();

var v=getVariables();

var width=d.getWidth();

var panel = d.addPanel(0,0,width,1);

var title = panel.getContainer().addShortcut(“test”,new Intent(),0,0);







