I’m interested in using this script in conjunction with Tasker.

I’m interested in using this script in conjunction with Tasker. http://www.lightninglauncher.com/wiki/doku.php?id=script_change_homescreen

Goal: I would like to have a different Desktop for in the car. I have created a new desktop called ‘Car’ which I have no problem activating with a shortcut I created or bringing up with Tasker. I would, however like to set this desktop as the LL home desktop. I believe that is the intent of this script. The way I’m currently activating my car desktop, if I press the home button it’s going back to the default Desktop.

I created a shortcut on my desktop just to test the referenced script but it is not working. It appears from the description that I am to put a data field in the script shortcut which I have done with the string ‘Car’. When I click the shortcut, nothing appears to happen except that LL restarts.

Looking at the code, it looks like the file path referenced in the script may be old and no longer valid. There may be other issues that I cannot readily see. I really don’t know Java.

I do believe there are other ways to accomplish what I ultimately want to do (like changing the Home and/or back key functions while in car mode) but thought I would try to learn something and help get this script fixed up for the next guy.

I’m new to LL as of yesterday and eager to learn more.

Thank you for your time.


7 Commentsto I’m interested in using this script in conjunction with Tasker.

  1. Lukas Morawietz​ I believe?

  2. My guess for id would be that it shouldn’t be Car, but the code for the desktop. Default one is #000000. Not sure if the # is needed.

  3. Kirk Valko says:

    Thank you for the responses. I should have specified that I did try #000003 and 000003 to no avail.

    I don’t want to rule out the possibility that I’m doing something very simple incorrectly, which is why I mention I’m new here.

    My phone is not rooted currently so I have no way of verifying if the path in the script is still valid. Any other basics to check? I do not see any info about logs to show what’s happening in the background.

    Thank you again


  4. The part of the path up to lightning launcher extreme seems to be correct. Cannot see any further as well. So perhaps root is needed for this script as well.

    Perhaps Lukas will answer.

  5. Also, there have been changes to LL since then (and some still unaddressed bugs) so don’t rule that out. Lukas would probably know, when he gets back.

  6. Kirk Valko says:

    Thank you all for the comments. I have tried a few other things and it turns out the data field does need to be “000003” and I have it mostly working now. Can’t say for sure why it didn’t work before when I tried it previously other than I’m having some issues with my changes saving.

    Still some bugs though:

    Upon reboot, when no other apps are running the script runs as expected. I have to hit the home key once before it will go over to the new home desktop.

    Once other apps have been opened and they are sitting in the background, running the script first brings up the task manager. I then have to hit back key once to exit this and then the home key to go to the new home desktop.

    Both of these things I would like to remedy in the script. I will play with it and see if I can figure out how on my own.

    I will clarify the wiki for this script(at least the data field) once I know for sure it’s all ok.

    I’m in no hurry so as you suggest, I will wait for Lukas.

    Thank you

  7. Passi GALLI says:



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