Kirk Valko

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I’m interested in using this script in conjunction with Tasker.

I’m interested in using this script in conjunction with Tasker.

Goal: I would like to have a different Desktop for in the car. I have created a new desktop called ‘Car’ which I have no problem activating with a shortcut I created or bringing up with Tasker. I would, however like to set this desktop as the LL home desktop. I believe that is the intent of this script. The way I’m currently activating my car desktop, if I press the home button it’s going back to the default Desktop.

I created a shortcut on my desktop just to test the referenced script but it is not working. It appears from the description that I am to put a data field in the script shortcut which I have done with the string ‘Car’. When I click the shortcut, nothing appears to happen except that LL restarts.

Looking at the code, it looks like the file path referenced in the script may be old and no longer valid. There may be other issues that I cannot readily see. I really don’t know Java.

I do believe there are other ways to accomplish what I ultimately want to do (like changing the Home and/or back key functions while in car mode) but thought I would try to learn something and help get this script fixed up for the next guy.

I’m new to LL as of yesterday and eager to learn more.

Thank you for your time.