Hello Pierre.
Hello Pierre. I beg you to update the Slovak language pack for Google Play. I fixed the errors, expressions and grammatical errors. Thank You. 1sefko (Patr!c!u§)
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Thank you 🙂 I will do it tomorrow!
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Tak koukám, že už sis požádal sám 😉 Rebas
Others users…
I apologize for the use of the Czech language.
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To aby som neotravoval stále len Teba 🙂
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Pierre Hébert
Can you please change the info text for the Slovak package (in google play)? I think it would be good to thank the user 1sefko ( Patr!c!us Zelenák ), greatly helped the Slovak translations (it completely remade, and they doing new upgrades). Thank you
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Done ! The update will be shown in a couple of hours.
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Thx Danbar Danbar & Thx Pierre