Hi, I’m new to launchers as well as Google+ groups.
Hi, I’m new to launchers as well as Google+ groups. I’ve had LL for about 24 hours on my Galaxy Note 4 and Galaxy Note 10.1, and am addicted – what a great tool for expanding the functionality of my phone and tablet. I’ve set up a layout on my phone that I’m happy with and would like to back it up, so I could restore everything to as it is, in case something happens to the phone or I screw up the layout beyond easy recovery. I’d also like to port it to my tablet. But I can’t figure out how to back up the complete layout, so that the folders and app positions are backed up. Is there a way to do that? Any help would be much appreciated.
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The best is to export your setup as a template, using the screen “Backup, restore or export templates”. This will create a file on your storage in the “LightningLauncher” directory. Copy this file from the phone to the tablet, in the same directory, then reload it from LL in the same screen. Should work.
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Thank you! That worked for getting it over to the tablet.