Need some basic scripting help.

Need some basic scripting help. i need to create a shortcut which runs a script. The script will do two things. 1. it will change the desktop to one a specify. 2. It will run a tasker shortcut.

Can i get some guidance on how to build this? Thanks!


7 Commentsto Need some basic scripting help.

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    TrianguloY​ something for you


  2. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Shortcut to run a script: add, lightning action, run a script

    Change the desktop: LL.goToDesktop(id);

    where id is the id number of the desired desktop (just long tap and check the number in the pop-up)

    Alternatively LL.goToDesktop(LL.getDesktopByName(“theName”).getId());

    this time writing the name of your desktop from the configure desktops screen.

    Run a tasker shortcut: LL.sendTaskerIntent(new TaskerIntent(“nameOfTask”),false);

    where nameOfTask is the name of the task.


  3. Anonymous says:

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    I’ll check it out this afternoon. Thanks!


  4. Anonymous says:

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    ugh.  i’m struggling here!  i created a script but it doesn’t work.  i’m sure i can debug it if i can get back to it!  So i’m creating a shortcut that launches a script.  Then i create the script.  i can’t seem to edit existing scripts.  What’s the right way to do this?  Thanks in advance.


  5. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Are you using the script editor? You can open it from the app drawer, it has the icon of a bug (hehe, a bug 😛 )

    Once there swipe from the left to choose a script to edit/delete/create…

    If you can’t execute scripts, make sure you have them enabled in general settings. And to really be sure write alert(“yes”) at the top. If you can see a ‘yes’ alert, it works.


  6. Anonymous says:

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    You can also do that with Tasker. Just create a task with a LLX shortcut to change a desktop. Followed by your tasker task.

    This complete task can executed from a shortcut in LLX.

    I think this is the easier way.

    (hope you understand what i wrote, if not, ask : -) )


  7. Anonymous says:

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    AH HA!!!!! It works! Thanks, TrianguloY My shortcut does exactly what i need it to, now. Very cool! Sascha Roehrbein, i used to use a task to call an LLX shortcut to change the desktop, but for some reason, it’s very slow. Not sure why. I have different desktops for different locations (i.e. home, work, car), and i have a menu which i select which location i’m at. I still call tasker to change settings on my phone and automate other activities, but using the script appears to make it faster. This will probably be my preferred way for now.

    Thank you all for helping me. Happy weekend!!


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