Zsolt Golenya, here is a screenshot of RumbleKat template in edit layout mode, zoomed out so you can see how the…

Zsolt Golenya, here is a screenshot of RumbleKat template in edit layout mode, zoomed out so you can see how the sliding “panels” are constructed.

Stop points are used so that adjoining pages only “slide” in as far as needed.

The folders in the top page are never seen because the upper stop point is a barrier. They are accessed through the buttons that slide in from the left side.

The stop points at the far left and right are barriers, so you can’t scroll past the intended edge of “panels”.

The two back to back stop points at upper left near the home icon are simply snap points so the screen will pop to its home page position.

Everything on the main page is pinned so it doesn’t move. I think this is the effect you are asking about. No swipe gestures, or LLX Panels are used.  Just simple scrolling.

There is a video in the apk section, to see how it works.


3 Commentsto Zsolt Golenya, here is a screenshot of RumbleKat template in edit layout mode, zoomed out so you can see how the…

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Thanks so much +Chris Chastain! Excellent tutorial and explanation!


  2. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    how do i create a stop point?


  3. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Tati Gilmoon while in edit layout mode, long press -> Add -> Stop Point. After you add it, long press it and edit it’s properties in the usual way. And remember, they only work as they are on the screen, meaning if they are currently off screen they must scroll on to screen to have effect. It’s sometimes helpful during a setup, to make them always visible, under General.


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