“Back”-key is IMHO misbehaving in some situation.

“Back”-key is IMHO misbehaving in some situation. Like it doesn’t revert what I think it should. Especially when used inside panels.

One easy reproducable scenario: I created a bookmark for a specific position inside a panel. I moved this bookmark out(!) of the panel the main screen. This works when tapped, the panel scrolls to that position. But “back”-key does not scroll that panel back to it’s initial position, it reverts the last step I did on mainscreen before tapping that bookmark. This is wrong.

Even more: when I scroll around inside the panel after it was positioned by, hitting “back” returns to the position of the bookmark, not the home position of that panel; as it forgot where that is. From here on there seems to be no way to reach the home position without placing another bookmark pointing there duh

One more: even if “back” (properly or not) reverts scrolling inside a panel, tapping it more and more and more doesn’t do anything. I think if the “back” button has nothing to do inside a panel, it really should just ignore that tap and bubble the event up to the container (i.e. main screen), so repetitive taps on “back” would properly lead back to the start.

Panels are really driving me crazy. o_O

Right now that faulty behaviours (back and panels) leave quite a mess.

One request in this respect: “home”-button just scrolls the main screen to it’s home-position. It would be great if “home” could also reset all panels also. Please add that option.


2 Commentsto “Back”-key is IMHO misbehaving in some situation.

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Agreed, there is something wrong in the current management. The problem is in the “focus”. Key events are different from touch event because their target is more difficult to target. The issue here is the target for key events is wrong (and not really determinist). LL attempts to set the focus according to the last touch event, but sometimes reset it because of other parameters, and this where the problem appears. However when the back key is corrected to the panel, it should always bring you to the home position, never a previous bookmark position or else, could you confirm that you see another behavior ? Anyway I will be able to improve this soon.

    Regarding the home button and “go home” for panels, this will be a perfect candidate for scripted action 😉 Such as (pseudo code):

    function goHome(container) {

    for(all items in containers.getItems()) {

      if(this item is a panel) goHome(this item);




  2. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Pierre Hébert Yes, the focus seems to be the issue here. The bookmark is launched from the desktop but the target is inside the panel. This focus switch seems to confuse the back-behaviour. Once the focus-switch is corrected, there should be no more issues.

    Scripting looks good, but I think in this case a “reset desktop”-action would be better (“restart app” works… but is a tiiinyyy bit to much).


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