Is “i.alpha” is somewhat over-optimized?

Is “i.alpha” is somewhat over-optimized?

I know properties set are not persisted immediately (thanks for BTW!!), but if I ONLY change “i.alpha”, the current value cannot be queried without restarting LL.

To reproduce:

Add shortcut “run script”, use script below. It should toggle the shortcuts transparency… but it doesn’t. It does not work until any of the other “editor.set…” functions are added. Also “” does not help here. And if you open “Item >> Customize” it also does not show the changed transparency value.

var item=LL.getEvent().getItem();

var props=item.getProperties();

var oldalpha=props.getInteger(“i.alpha”);

var newalpha=oldalpha<255?255:64;

var editor=props.edit();







2 Commentsto Is “i.alpha” is somewhat over-optimized?

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Interesting… It does toggle the alpha once (to the lower value) but then does nothing anymore… In customize it still shows the old value (255)

    So the alpha is changed instantly, but not the value we retrieve?


  2. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Probably. I cut the update chain and as a consequence the configuration object has not been modified.


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