I use Customview with clicklistener applied to views, but the click action does not work in Floatingdesktop on V14.
I use Customview with clicklistener applied to views, but the click action does not work in Floatingdesktop on V14. It worked on V12.
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It works for me with the following script:
var btn=new Button(item.getScreen().getContext());
btn.setText(“say hello”);
onClick: function(){alert(“hello”);}
return btn;
What is your script?
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drive.google.com – cv_applist.txt – Google ドライブ/
It displays a ListView of apps, and launch app by clicking.
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Before LL.startActivity, add:
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I’ll apologize for reporting the bug.
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That’s not your fault. In previous version LL.startActivity wasn’t always using the right context, hence you may not have seen the issue earlier.