haruo nose

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How and when should I use method getLockScreen()(getAppDrawerScreen() too)?

How and when should I use method getLockScreen()(getAppDrawerScreen() too)? Testing it, but return NullPointerException or ClassCastException error.

I would like to access the LockScreen’s Customview using script. Is not getLockScreen() used for this purpose?


Test script of Customview.

Test script of Customview.

It’s only show toast once.



Next script is ‘re-create’ Customview.

Run in foreground, show toast once.

LL.getItemById(customview’s item id).getProperties().edit().setString(“v.onCreate”,customview’s script id).commit();

But, Run ‘re-create’ script in background(using Tasker), after then, every time creating Customview, show toast twice.

So, It’s means that it’s creating Customview twice.

And when open LL’s desktop settings, toast will also be shown. It’s means that ‘re-create’ Customviews.

I’m in trouble because of this…


I use Customview with clicklistener applied to views, but the click action does not work in Floatingdesktop on V14.

I use Customview with clicklistener applied to views, but the click action does not work in Floatingdesktop on V14. It worked on V12.




1) Containrer(Panel, Folder) Draw Grid Lines does not work.

2) Only customview(It is not to specify the ‘Create script’ even) is put on floatingdesktop.

LL crashes when reboot LL and display floatingdesktop immediately.

It doesn’t crash when display desktop based on floatingdesktop at least once, after reboot and before display floatingdesktop.

I posted crashreport by mail.


What function is the “edit…” button of Script editor?

What function is the “edit…” button of Script editor?

Toast “No external editor” is displayed.

How to enable the use of external editor?

Is this a tips? bug?

Is this a tips? bug?

Transparent folder background.

1) Folder’s properties > Icon > LAYERS section > backgroung image

2) Displaying icon picker, then, push button “X” (No icon)

It’s cute!? I like it very much!

But adding/removing items to the folder, it displays background image.

I get tired each time to copy/paste a style or set property again…


Is there a method of opening/closing floatingdesktop by the script?

Is there a method of opening/closing floatingdesktop by the script?


RSS listview with Tasker

RSS listview with Tasker

1, Create a ‘RSS’ directory under Tasker user directory. And create a txt file there, ‘rsslist.txt’. Write URL of RSS to file, one URL per line.

2, Create a Tasker’s task using following code. And run this task. ‘myfeed.json’ which converted all RSSfeed data into JSON is output.


3, Add customview using following LLscript. This script creates listview of RSSfeed using ‘myfeed.json’.


4, You should update RSS customview. This customview’s script can be used to update. First, you add this script to the last action of Tasker’s task (As plugin action ‘Lightning Script’. Setting ‘Run in’ is ‘Background’). If you want automatic update with timer, include task in timer profile. If you want manual update, run Tasker’s task with Tasker intent script command of LL, from menu, shortcut, gesture etc.

LL.sendTaskerIntent(new TaskerIntent(“getrssdata”), true);

-If you want to change the textcolor, textsize, backgroundcolor, please edit script and re-create customview.

– The place of a directory and file is match with my device. If it is not all right, replace and rewrite code to your device.


ListView Customview screenshots

ListView Customview screenshots


