About this bug i wrote in first two months in 2015 and still is here…

About this bug i wrote in first two months in 2015 and still is here…

I add, to desktop widget, for example analog clock.

After tap, this widget open alarms.

If i set some gestures (for examle swipe to left) to something, this working. If i select for touch gestures for example do nothing, this working.

But if i select ll action do nothing for gestures tap, this not working. Everytime widget open alarms…

I will like disable tap (do nothing) and set swipe up to launch item. Pierre Hébert​

LL action launch item for widget not working too.

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3 Commentsto About this bug i wrote in first two months in 2015 and still is here…

  1. Anonymous says:

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    Widgets are special: they are like blackboxes. For instance the launcher has no knowledge of the tap action, because the widget can use the whole area to launch an app, or do something else. The launcher is not aware of this. I remember a discussion about this a long time ago indeed. At the moment I would say that the only good solution is to put a blank item over the widget and configure action to launch the desired app upon tap or swipe (if possible).


  2. Anonymous says:

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    Ok, understand. But why is gestures tap for widget, if user cannot doing change?


  3. Anonymous says:

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    This isn’t that tap isn’t working: it works, but in addition the widget does process the tap event. The missing part is to disable the widget “on tap” behavior, but the launcher doesn’t know whether the widget will use it, it could use a swipe too.


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