The new update just exploded my setup.

The new update just exploded my setup.

I got multiple bug:

— LLx now appear in the multitasker (althoigh killing it doesn’t change anything)

— Long press on desktop (to display lightning launcher menu) crash LL

— Press on menu button display an empty red bar (LLx menu can no longer be reached) and then LLx generate error message

*****title: “builtin-2” 

*****description: At line 5: ReferenceError:

***                       “GlobalConfig” is not defined.

***                      (builtin-2#5) — I had a folder button which triggered a script to change a panel position. This button is no longer doing any thing (although the other script apparently haven’t change and works properly)

— addendum: script editor crash LLx

As a result I can’t get access to my folders anymore (in the panel that cannot be accessed) and cannot modify my desktop as I can’t display LLx menus nor edit script.


Samsung Galaxy Note 3 (not rooted)

Android version 4.4.2

I can’t extract a new template as I can’t access to LLx menu anymore (but If you can use the previous template from last time, it hasn’t change:

8 Commentsto The new update just exploded my setup.

  1. Anonymous says:

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    addendum: script editor crash LLx


  2. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Ok, thanks for the template (is it normal that Dropbox says 29 days ago ?)

    I will have a look at this ASAP.


  3. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    I confirm long press – crashes the launcher if set to lightning menu.

    Script editor crashes too. I can access settings, because I have a shortcut, so I can give a backup or template if needed. If I assign sth else to long press it works.


  4. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Addition: trying to open the lightning menu from anywhere crashes it. Both of these thiings work in a fresh install, but not in my backup.


  5. Anonymous says:

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    Addition #2: neither restoring a template nor backup fixes this… I’m going back to 10.6 now.


  6. Anonymous says:

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    Addition #3: restoring a 10.7 backup in 10.6.5 is possible without problems 🙂


  7. Anonymous says:

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    The root cause is a bogus script probably created because of a bug in a previous version. I am currently publishing an update to fix this.


  8. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Yup bug fixed with last release. All seems well


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