Please don’t look at the colors. It’s inverted. Can’t chance it.

Please don’t look at the colors. It’s inverted. Can’t chance it.

In layout mode only Items in Horizontal orginal state can be resized or transformt. If the Item is turned at some angle, the resize and transform sliders disfunctions. See the video.


5 Commentsto Please don’t look at the colors. It’s inverted. Can’t chance it.

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Yes, this is problematic. There is a good reason for this: resize handles change the area of the item before transformation (rotate, scale,…) hence the weird behavior. It should be possible to transform the resize modification so that it compensates the other matrix transformation but as nobody complained about that until now I never really tried to improve this…


  2. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    I must admit, i never used rotate. But now, working with the new layout editor, the designing goes realy quick. Have now much time to experiment with LLX. Somehow my brain can’t get used to it. I alway disform my design exidently.

    Also with verry small or narrow items its extrem difficult (almost impossible) to select a item if you want to move it without exidential resising or transform it.

    Also 2: can it be that a swipe gesture on a item with only text doesn’t work? Edit. Gesture works only if Item is placed horizontal. If item is rotated, swipe gesture doesn’t work. Edit 2: swipe works but is turned also. Example swipe right becomes swipe down if you rotate item 90 degrees clock wise.


  3. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Yes, small item modification is still problematic, the only way is to zoom in. Handles are a bit larger now and takes some on the items area, hence this is more difficult to move small items. Badges are a good example of the issue 🙁 On one hand this is easier to edit “normal” items, on the other hand it is harder to edit small items. I can’t see a way to handle both better at the same time so at the moment I favored the “normal” case.

    Rotated (transformed) swipes (gestures) is a wanted and needed thing. For instance if you rotate a scrolling widget, you expect to swipe in the direction of the list. Similarly if you use item rotation to handle screen rotation, the swipe need to be transformed too. This is less useful with angles such as 68° though!


  4. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Ok understand.

    But the swiping item thingy i think you misunderstood me…. or i misunderstand you (english barrier) . I make a video of it to explain better.


  5. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Ah. Yes. I got it now. I know what you mean with the gesture turnes also wenn you turn the Item. It was a knot in my brain… Haha.

    But you managed to change the behaviour on select a small item. Works great.

    Case closed.


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