Pierre Hébert while profiling my new Metadata script I noticed that the GPU is almost permanently active while the…
Pierre Hébert while profiling my new Metadata script I noticed that the GPU is almost permanently active while the script editor is open. Also the draws seem to take a lot more time. It is nothing visible without a profiler, but nonetheless it seems weird that the script editor takes more gpu time than a desktop.
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This isn’t a normal situation, although drawing large chunks of text with word wrap and line numbering is expensive. I believe that the blinking cursor is responsible for the regular load but given the small area to invalidate it shouldn’t be a big deal in theory. I’ll profile this screen to see what happens.
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I just found a bug where the app could endlessly draw content (in the beta only, after dragging items) but this is in a desktop, and at the same time profiling the script editor showed no unusual behavior on my setup (with a 230 lines script at various zoom levels).
Is this high gpu level visible as soon as you enter the script editor ?
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Ok, it’s definetly related to the cursor. It doesn’t happen when the cursor is not visible. It is not related to word wrap or zoom level, as the GPU graph looks the same with different values. Here is a graph where I just opened the editor without doing anything else http://i.imgur.com/IEYb1kQ.png