Very little “bug” when LLX is locked we are able to add elements

Very little “bug” when LLX is locked we are able to add elements

Please don’t display this popup when locked


46 Commentsto Very little “bug” when LLX is locked we are able to add elements

  1. Anonymous says:

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    Sorry to ask this dumb question, but are you sure you are really locked ? Because on my device this menu does not appear, unless I explicitly configure it somehow.


  2. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert I’ve used

    Lightning settings

    And then Lock


  3. Anonymous says:

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    ah yes the device isnt locked then, youre just in configuration. thats where you create the lockscreen


  4. Anonymous says:

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    Curtis Sylvester Jr. I dont want a lock screen

    I want to lock LLX as impossible to edit (that is fine) and to add(not fine here)


  5. Anonymous says:

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    thats what i meant. you create the lockscreen then choose it as part of configuration. once thats done you go to the home screen, turn the screen off then on again ET VALA!!! LLX LOCKSCREEN


  6. Anonymous says:

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    Curtis Sylvester Jr. Ok but I don’t want LLX lock screen now. I want LLX with stock lock screen

    I want to lock LLX only


  7. Anonymous says:

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    ah ok i misunderstood. you mean like locking the desktop so it cant be screwed with.


  8. Anonymous says:

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    Curtis Sylvester Jr. Yes

    The locksreen with LLX I’ll check later


  9. Anonymous says:

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    oh wow if thats a bug its been around since the BIG BANG i didnt think anything of it and nobody else reported it so i dont know


  10. Anonymous says:

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    Curtis Sylvester Jr. Pierre has not the issue

    Could you check ? Set Lock and then a long press on an empty space in your home

    Tell me if the menu with Add is coming ?


  11. Anonymous says:

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    it is i can confirm


  12. Anonymous says:

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    Curtis Sylvester Jr.

    Pierre Hébert​ the bug is there for Curtis too. Please recheck


  13. Anonymous says:

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    I’m afraid I can confirm it too.

    Even more, I think nothing change in the lock state, except the lock that now says unlock-

    Edit: yes it works, I was testing with a ‘open lightning menu’ action, sorry.


  14. Anonymous says:

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    The problem is that if you lock the desktop, you can’t long click on items (except if you set the action to open the menu, like me)

    But if you long click the background, the menu is shown because in the general settings it is set to open that menu.

    Pierre Hébert​​ is this an intended behavior? 


  15. Anonymous says:

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    TrianguloY​ is correct, that behavior has always been there.


  16. Anonymous says:

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    TrianguloY if locked we must only have Unlock as available option.

    For me it’s normal to have the edit menu on the settings


  17. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert​ Could you make this change ? Locked is locked and not possible to do anything else than Unlock


  18. Anonymous says:

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    Ahhh so it’s not jus me lol


  19. Anonymous says:

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    Corey Spell yes lol


  20. Anonymous says:

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    Oops lol can’t for the life of me get the folder background to change


  21. Anonymous says:

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    I am sorry but I am missing something. Here are the steps I am doing:

    – clear launcher data

    – go to the second desktop

    – add an unlocke

    – go in general settings, select the second desktop as lock screen

    – screen off / on

    – long tap everywhere: no menu ?


  22. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert yes, you are lost.

    We are talking (or at least I’m talking) about the ‘lock’ feature in which you can’t edit enter edit mode.

    Long click background, lightning settings, lock


  23. Anonymous says:

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    Oops lol


  24. Anonymous says:

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    ahhh ! Thank you TrianguloY , I was becoming mad trying to display this menu. This makes sense now.

    The “locked” mode goal is to prevent unwanted moves, or more generally unwanted changes in the setup.

    For me, if a menu is displayed after a long press, there are few chances for a second mistake to occur and break the layout. The aim is not to completely freeze the desktop but to ensure that it won’t be broken by an unwanted touch.


  25. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert​ it would be nice if there were a way to lock the app the way Bruno-Isa LAMOUR-ARNOULD​ was expecting​. That way I could have templates that couldn’t be mangled when I let my friend’s bright, curious, 10 year old son play with my phone… Is there any way to prevent changes altogether? 


  26. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert please do the change

    Seems easy for you

    If mode = unlock

    Display the edit menu

    So no more edit menu when locked


  27. Anonymous says:

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    Carolyn Boyle Waiting this change I’ve changed the gesture : Swipe up 2 fingers for Lightning menu

    Changed long tap on empty space to : “do nothing”


  28. Anonymous says:

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    Carolyn Boyle yes, some kind of child mode would be nice, but that is a different feature than a simple lock to event unwanted modification. The purpose is different, and the way to implement this is more complex than it seems.

    Regarding the “child mode”, or similar, I gave up because on each new Android version it becomes less and less possible to implement it properly (for instance the status bar cannot be fully hidden anymore).

    So there is a simple lock as it is implemented now, and I think it is well suited for its purpose, and there is another locked mode that needs more support from the launcher.

    In between I think that maybe it can be simply scripted to match different use case. 


  29. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert Hi Pierre : Is it really so complicated to not display Lightning menu when Locked ? Or remove Add and Lightning settings on this menu


  30. Anonymous says:

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    The question is not whether it is complex or not, but rather whether it makes sense. And my opinion is that it does not serve the purpose of preventing unwanted modification.

    Also someone could want to still have the “script” menu, or android settings, that’s a bit a matter of taste…


  31. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert lock is lock

    A lock not 100% working is not good

    Sure it makes sense


  32. Anonymous says:

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    I’m with Bruno-Isa LAMOUR-ARNOULD​​, if someone want to use something, they will leave the desktop unlocked. The locked option need to be a full lock feature, and…preferably with a pin to unlock.

    Of course this is a personal opinion, so, what about post a poll here to see what people use? 


  33. Anonymous says:

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    What I don’t understand is: what is the benefit of not displaying this menu with respect to unwanted moves ?

    If it is not wanted, what about setting the long press event to something else ?


  34. Anonymous says:

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    I don’t use that feature, and I will probably never use it, so I can only think in ‘ideal’ situations. That’s why I suggested a poll to see if someone use it, and why.

    You are thinking in the lock as a way to prevent unwanted touches, but I think the normal thinking here is as a ‘kid’ lock (with the ability to open other apps)

    This way the launcher is completely locked, you can’t edit anything until you unlock it.

    But as I said I’m not talking about personal uses, sorry.

    (Of course, this is lightning launcher. You can lock it disabling almost all actions. But with a single click it will be easier.)


  35. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert​​​​​

    It’s not especially long press but Lightning menu where I’m asking to hide change actions when Lock is set or all other actions in order to change (except Unlock and I agree with TrianguloY​​​​​​ a pin code could be asked in case of unlock) 

    And it’s not personal use only. It’s for all users

    So it will be better to change the content if this menu when Lock is set

    With only these elements

    Android settings


    Does it make better sense for you now ? 

    Thank you for your patience 😊


  36. Anonymous says:

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    for me im trying to create a theme where certain items should never be allowed for editing/removal. the reason for that is if the items are allowed at all it defeats the purpose of the theme. by this i mean that if it gets published nobody should be able to edit/move.delete the items. sadly however because of the general idea of the launcher is in fact to be able to manipulate the items i dont think i can publish the theme.

    for my theme i need to have the google search widget and it cant be editable AT ALL because the source for the idea doesnt allow that item to be manipulated AT ALL. with that said i found a reason to go full lock (or not whichever fits the reason). the reason is if the lock is in place when a itemis added its going to be a fucking bitch (im sorry but theres no nice way to word it) repositioning that item if the lock is there. but that lock prevents unwanted movement……. nowhere in that statement does it say ANYTHING about un-needed movement. im thinking that when the lock is active – if anything gets added to the home screen(s) the user should have about …. 45 seconds to begin manipulating or it gets locked as is. and if the user decides to manipulate it then they can do so but after they finish the timer starts again and after the timer times out the item gets locked. this would be helpful when you install a new app and it places a shortcut, youll have until the timer times out to manipulate its size, rotation, position…. whatever before its stuck.

    as for items we already have it gets annoying when you go to add an item and “awww shit – i have to unlock the desktop first” so to me i would rather be able to add items even if the desktop is locked. that way i dont have to go through the bullshit forgetting i locked the desktop and having to go back, unlock the damn thing, add the item THEN manipulate it THEN lock the screen again. just my opinion


  37. Anonymous says:

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    Curtis Sylvester Jr. Oh no. It’s the opposite of lock. Desktop locked we must not being able to add/change.

    Really Unlock is too hard ?


  38. Anonymous says:

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    it is if you forget and honestly i like it this way. personally i feel if you want it locked just use a lockscreen….. it isnt that hard


  39. Anonymous says:

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    Curtis Sylvester Jr. Using the lock screen is not the right way. Sometimes the lock screen from LLX is not displayed (4 times today for me)


  40. Anonymous says:

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    its alot better than needing a constant reminder that you have to unlock the desktop before you can add anything. ill take a failed system lock over constantly forgetting i cant add anything


  41. Anonymous says:

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    Curtis Sylvester Jr. it is not possible to prevent modifications, unless you use encryption, and even this way, some clever guy will always be able to retrieve unencrypted data somehow. In this situation better leave things in a clear state. Even Apple dropped drm from mp3 😉


  42. Anonymous says:

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    apple dropped drm?? thats the best news i ever heard


  43. Anonymous says:

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    Reswitched to Nova due to Lock not complete here.


  44. Anonymous says:

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    Curtis Sylvester Jr. it made a bit of noise at that time:


  45. Anonymous says:

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    i only have one word to say about that — GOOD!!!! im glad they got rid of drm. now if everyone else can follow along


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