Honestly – I tried to look for this myself, but…still too much for me.

Honestly – I tried to look for this myself, but…still too much for me.

I’d like a script for the lockscreen that unlocks and then goes to the home desktop.

I also remeber some talk that through scripting one could use multiple LL actions in sequence. How can I send the script to look for an action then or is this supposed to be done only via scripts?

Also I’ve got some weird issues with stop points (still on the lockscreen): I have a stop point at 0,0 position and I’ve set that as a desktop wide barrier…it worked as it should until a few days ago I was able to scroll to the left (which was supposed to be restricted).

I now added another stop point further to the left to have two different actions on the lockscreen – this works…for now at least.

Any ideas what might have happened and why?

The same weird stop point is also supposed to be the only snapping stop point so that if I don’t reach a stop point with a reached event then it returns to the original position, but often there’s no movement to the original position – sometimes I works quite well, other times almost not at all.

Could the last part be done via script? Would that be more reliable?

I’m in no rush with these scripts, so don’t push something important to a later time for me =D No need for that!

Thanks for the help, guys!


15 Commentsto Honestly – I tried to look for this myself, but…still too much for me.

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Thanks, Bogdan!

    I saw that when TrianguloY posted this , just didn’t remember it.

    Really quick reply…too quick for me to even notice =D


  2. Anonymous says:

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    Bogdan Tautu

    It seems that I’m in need of some guidance and wisdom again.

    I got TrianguloY’s script tool working, which is great! And the script does what I want (what it’s supposed to do), but only when I’m already in LL.

    // I wanted unlock and go to the home screen. When I’ve left another app open undeneath, then it goes to the home desktop in the background, but the app still stays open.

    Can scripts even do this?

    Another question I got: is it possible to listen/send Tasker tasks? 

    Bonus question: how to rename the scripts…unfortunately I couldn’t see any options for this?


  3. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Long tap on script name to rename it.


  4. Anonymous says:

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    Okay, guess I didn’t tap long enough then.

    Thanks for this!


  5. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    I’m not sure what you want to achieve, but afaik LLX (including scripts) only run when the launcher is active.


  6. Anonymous says:

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    I’m trying to achieve a situation where after unlocking I’m taken to my home screen, regardless what position out was before locking and regardless of the app that was running last.

    For example when I make a phone call, end it and lock the screen, then after unlocking I’m in the phone app. Preferable would be that the phone app for pushed away from the foreground by LL and I’m shown my homescreen .

    Another possible use would be to have a certain unlock action and a bunch of others that in addition to unlocking take the user to a certain desktop, where they could only access certain apps…..I know that the last part shouldn’t be possible yet with LL alone, but the idea still seems cool to me


  7. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Maybe TrianguloY or Pierre Hébert can help you out with that. I don’t have a solution. I don’t use locking.


  8. Anonymous says:

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    Well, let’s see.

    If you want to show the home desktop when unlocking, the best I think is to activate the LL lock screen and set their resume action to unlock and go to the home desktop.

    About the multiple unlocking options, the easier is to just set a blank desktop as the lock screen with some desktop bookmarks, each one to a different desktop of your choice.

    With script what you can do for example is to go to a different desktop depending on the time.

    Another tricky one will be to set the lock screen to a black screen, so when you unlock it automatically goes to desktop A after some seconds except if you click a secret button before those two seconds, in case you will go to desktop B.

    You more or less know what scripts can do, the triggers (events) and variables as time/clicks…

    The rest is just the imagination :)


  9. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    I love the secret button idea. I dont use lockscreens, but I have an empty screen as a homepage.


  10. Anonymous says:

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    It seems that my imaginations is starting to get ahead of my abilities =D

    And a big problem for me is that I only know a little about what scripts can do and in addition I know nothing about javascript.

    I got this idea after a few people wondered how to unlock my phone (after themeing LL lockscreen and using it again since who knows when) and then just started experimenting. I though more like that swiping in any direction takes you to the “secure” desktop and only swiping from let’s say lower right corner diagonally up you can get to your personal desktop.

    Time dependency is also a cool idea to play around with!

    If you don’t mind helping me, then I would really appreciate it.

    I really do plan on starting to learn scripting, but definitely not before summer, because school is overwhelming as it is.


  11. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    javascript lessons with a twist:



  12. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Going to different desktops depending on the swipe direction can be done with stop points, I know it is not exactly easy…perhaps a script is a better idea.

    I can help you of course, just tell me in hangouts what exactly you want…but as you said, school goes first, so perhaps I post from time to time. Anyway, I’ll try to be consistent 😛


  13. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    That different desktops idea is for a time when I can manage to make one of them like a secure container – my contact info, perhaps a game or two or some apps….

    The stop points part seems easy enough, the securing part (not going into settings, phone etc) that’s the part that needs time or possibly help from other apps (like Tasker).

    Glad to hear you’re so helpful!

    I’ll definitely get in touch if I find the time to get myself stuck with something! But it’s probably going to be a while – end of the semester and GF is going away soon for competition….perhaps when she’s competing =D


  14. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    it seems that if one makes a timed event, the timer will run in background and will execute the event even if LLX is in background.


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