This is a complex suggestion, I’m not sure if it would be useful user-side, and maybe not very easy developer-side,…

This is a complex suggestion, I’m not sure if it would be useful user-side, and maybe not very easy developer-side, but it will be as debug-side (more or less)

The idea is something I have seen in other apps but useful in any case: a button to ‘clean data’ (keep reading)

What does this mean? Sometimes the launcher has internally old data that stay there, theoretically it should be deleted automatically, but sometimes it don’t. That’s why sometimes backup/delete/restore seem to fix some issues. This new button will search under the hood for: old desktops that remains in memory and they are not in the desktop list, folders not accessible by any shortcut, pictures (items’s data) of old deleted items (I’ve seen old icons in my backups), old deleted widget’s data (is this possible? ) and maybe some other things as well.

This will be something hard to do, I understand, but maybe it will be useful with betas/’bad’ releases, to fix data problems in a easy user-side. Maybe another solution will be as a separate app, maybe also as ‘something’ that takes backups, I don’t know.

Remember, just an idea, and maybe this can’t mix with your ideas for next releases.

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3 Commentsto This is a complex suggestion, I’m not sure if it would be useful user-side, and maybe not very easy developer-side,…

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    I think that it would be better if these unnecessary datas wouldn’t be there in the first place. A metaphor: Which is ideally more optimal? Buying more garbage trucks and building more incinerators, or making sure there is less garbage to deal with by educating people about recycling?


  2. Anonymous says:

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    Gábor Barta of course, I agree. But as you said, it’s ideally. Sometimes it’s impossible to do all, a mistake in a line of code, a user that load an old backup in a newer version, a crash in android that don’t delete it.

    Don’t think this as a feature, just as a ‘debug’ tool, that’s why I also suggested to make it in a different app.


  3. Anonymous says:

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    This is true, reality make such a cleaning operation a necessity. Because I don’t test enough, because there is a large number of devices and android versions on the market, because users have much more imagination than me, bugs happen easily, and especially in betas versions.

    This suggestion has just the good timing TrianguloY . One weakness of LL was its rigid data handling. This is precisely something that is being reworked, with the goal of managing data with more ease of use (from my dev point of view). The primary aim is to support advanced data manipulation such as merging desktops from template and current setup, but this will enable other processing like cleaning too. I will see how I can implement this.


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