

Out of beta, at last !

Compared with the previous beta, this version includes the following modifications:

– fix item rotation in orientations other than the natural device orientation

– always limit drawing to the box (may affect items visibility when rotated)

– the “holo” selection effect is now the default, and the default box selection color is now 0xffffffff instead of 0x80ffffff.

I hope it will please everyone !

But that’s not all.

It took quite a long time for this version to reach a stable status for two reasons. The most important one is that I don’t have as much as time as I would like to work on LL, but this is not the only one.

The other reason is that I am conducting important architecture changes in another branch of the app, in order to reach a triple goal:

– allow a clean inheritance model,

– allow a much finer granularity when handling templates (merge desktops, load only styles, and so on),

– prepare foundations for scripting.

This “preliminary” work is nearing completion, so expect a new beta soon. But relax, I will wait a bit before to drop a new test version: I understand that it may become tiring to always live on the bleeding edge. Some stability is welcome sometime 😉


13 Commentsto v9.3

  1. Anonymous says:

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    Ah, all this preliminary work is good news.


  2. Anonymous says:

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    truth be told if it doesn’t look good for you it won’t work for us. what this means is before you can please us you first must be pleased.


  3. Anonymous says:

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    So my little idea of creating that thingie which only shows up when the device is rotated, has gone out on the window :D

    Edit: Nevermind. It still can be done. It just needs two panels: the 1×3 panel on the desktop, and then a 3×3 rotating panel inside the first panel. It’s just quite hard to set it up.


  4. Anonymous says:

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    Curtis Sylvester Jr. but my point of view may be very different from most users. For instance, I may be very happy with scripting, because I am a developer, but this feature may be cryptic and useless for most people. So being pleased myself is not a guarantee that users will be pleased too!


  5. Anonymous says:

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    Understood and appreciated. Once again thank you for your magnificent work. You have an eye for details and a great sense for timing, so to always please us.

    Though I’m anxious for true inheritance, take your time.


  6. Anonymous says:

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    Gábor Barta indeed, that’s a shame. But it doesn’t mean that I won’t re-enable this ‘secret’ feature. At the moment the object keeps its normal size when rotated, but I hope to enable dynamic resize. This would be useful for the panel use case, but also for simple things like texts shortcuts (the label would use more or less space).


  7. Anonymous says:

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    Thank you Lutz Linke, I know that you are waiting for a few features that take time to arrive, thanks for your patience !

    But in my defense these are not the easiest to implement 😉


  8. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert I can imagine that. Suggestion: why not make it two steps? First merging desktops and loading styles, then inheritance? I think that’s a feature many are eagerly waiting for. I can wait 😉


  9. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert As I mentioned I was able to remake the thing with two panels. The only bad thing about this is that it’s hard to navigate the edit mode in a small panel. I think that panels should behave somehow similarly in edit mode like folders do, so that they go fullscreen. But I believe this was already suggested by somebody.

    Also I just remembered that I encountered this same bug with panels with another of my ideas. I was making a “diagonally scrollable panel/folder”. I simply took a panel, and rotated it by 45°, and filled it with several items. When I switched off the border its innards were visible all around, outside its area. It was quite interesting, but in this case not the excepted behavior.

    All in all both cases can have its use, so an option for this wouldn’t be a bad thing indeed.

    +1 for scripting.

    But what the inheritance model will be about?


  10. Anonymous says:

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    Scripting… can’t wait. Bring on the Alpha test 🙂


  11. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert good point maybe I worded that wrong and that’s a fault on my part I was basically saying that you work too hard as is just making it work for your device at the end of the day if you feel you did what you wanted to get done and it works/ looks good on your device then you’re closer to making us happy. when I first joined this community you had things piled up from your phone to my for step (metaphorically) and even after my internet got cut and coming back online a month later there’s still allot. it’s just one of my ways of saying take it easy buddy. I’m on a Toshiba at300 tablet and it’s almost perfect for me. lockscreen works better than I thought it would. I’m trying to make my first theme but I can’t get the stop points right or something and everyone I reboot it keeps asking which launcher I want but whatever


  12. Anonymous says:

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    Curtis Sylvester Jr. there is an app in the play store that should be able to fix that issue with which launcher should be the default. It’s a bug in android. Sorry I don’t remember the name. jelly bean launcher loader?


  13. Anonymous says:

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    Excellent work!!


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