I really enjoy fiddling and exploring this launcher.

I really enjoy fiddling and exploring this launcher. Aaaaanyway. I’m not overly keen on the way the dynamic text works as it is a little restrictive because you can’t (so far as I can find) display two things on one item.. Say date and battery level.

It would be really nice if instead of the current arrangement, there were internal names for these items like variables, and you use a format string.


Using text preceded with %symbols used like VB’s format string, or tasker variable names, you could just display %date to use the system format, or something like %dd %mmm %yyyyy to display 07 January 2014. The reason I suggest a % is so things like ‘Today is %mmm %d. You have %gmail unread and your battery is %batt full.’ could be entered as the format text.

I understand this is not a minor tweak but I think it would make the text elements a lot more flexible (they are good even so) and maybe from my not vast programming knowledge make handling and expanding them easier (eg adding one for signal strength would require a new variable name, rather than a new text element, but would need code to manage the value displayed either way)

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2 Commentsto I really enjoy fiddling and exploring this launcher.

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    I like your idea.

    So far as not being able to put 2 items in one field. You can line them up in freemode so they look like one.


  2. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    I think the right way to do this would be through scripting, but it will take time before it is implemented.


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