When creating a bookmark shortcut from within a panel, the shortcut brings back the panel position which is great.

When creating a bookmark shortcut from within a panel, the shortcut brings back the panel position which is great.

But if you want to trigger the same shortcut from within a widget (e.g. Zooper, Tasker) the shortcut ask you to select a desktop and doesn’t memorize panel position (pure desktop bookmark)

It would be great to have a panel bookmark option to trigger back to a specific panel position.


8 Commentsto When creating a bookmark shortcut from within a panel, the shortcut brings back the panel position which is great.

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    You can do this with intents in tasker.


  2. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Craig L please tell me how? I am fighting with tasker trying to do that. I’d be very interested (I am still junior with tasker)


  3. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    I used adb shell command. The intent command doesnt have enough extras.

    Run shell

    am start “intent:#Intent;action=android.intent.action.VIEW;component=net.pierrox.lightning_launcher_extreme/net.pierrox.lightning_launcher.activities.Dashboard;f.s=1.0;f.y=282;i.p=105;f.x=0.0;end”


  4. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    You have to get the intent from the pages file. /data/data/net.pierrox….. notvsure of the exact file path


  5. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Autoshortcut is easier but I couldnt get it to reach bookmarks inside of panels, only bookmarks on the main desktop.


  6. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Craig L, Robert Campbell, yes autobookmark do not get to position Inside panel. That was my issue. 


  7. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    May I ask some help from someone that never used android shell or intent.

    I tried copy pasting the command line in tasker with “some” results (but not the one expected: it triggered the unlock action, not a bookmark)

    I tried finding the intent file you both spoke of with no success…

    I understand globally the solution but am still unable to modify it to dedicate it to my set up.


  8. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    This is a bit tidy, agreed. I would like to improve the process of creating such bookmarks, but most likely this won’t be in the couple next releases 🙁


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