V14.3 beta

V14.3 beta

This beta version introduces experimental support for nested scrolling in panels.

For this to work, you need to set “Overscroll animation” to None (in the Scroll/zoom options screen) in the inner container, otherwise it will not work.

Feedback welcome!

ChangeLog: http://www.lightninglauncher.com/wordpress/change-log/


18 Commentsto V14.3 beta

  1. Anonymous says:

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    Wow, I couldn’t believe the update comes!

    ..Have you returned?


  2. Anonymous says:

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    Should I assume LL is back on track?


  3. Anonymous says:

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    Found a donation link on your website.

    Donated right away.

    I’d love to see this project alive & kicking.


  4. Anonymous says:

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    We’ll see. Honestly I can’t promise anything but at least I’ll try to do the essential maintenance. At the moment the biggest issue is to find a new home for the community (and hopefully migrate posts). I am now focusing on this problem.

    Amit Patil I’m grateful for this, thank you! I didn’t remember there was a donation link somewhere. This old web site will have to be refreshed.


  5. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert great to have you back! Would be awesome to update some functions that worked well on Nougat to Oreo/Pie. For instance have not been able to have other apps add shortcuts to desktop since Oreo


  6. Anonymous says:

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    rechecked Floating desktop on the previous update.

    Working fine but it is disabled after some time , don’t understand why.

    Ulefone Power5 : on Oreo 5.1 unrooted

    and other thing : the screen size is not 100 % used when hiding navigation bar


  7. Anonymous says:

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    Bruno-Isa LAMOUR-ARNOULD I’m having the same problem on my OnePlus 5 Oxygen Os 5.1.7


  8. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert So happy to see another update!


  9. Anonymous says:

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    Stupid question how do you hide the navigation bar? I think the launcher is not aware that the nav bar is not there, and hence it is not using the space as expected.

    The floating desktop being disabled might mean that Lightning is stopped by the android system. This is a background service and there is more pressure on background services on Oreo. Maybe try to turn on debug handles: if they disappear, then chances are that the app has been stopped, otherwise if handles are still there but not responsive then the issue may be elsewhere.


  10. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert yes handles disappear

    there is an icon for Hiding the nav bar (on the Nav Bar itself)

    I’ll send a screenshot this evening.


  11. Anonymous says:

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    Glad to see your are back Pierre, I want to thank you for LL, I can’t express how much I freaking love this launcher, been using it since 2013.

    I don’t know where to put this, and doubt any dev likes to read feature requests, but here seems to be a good place:

    Using LL only, I’ve managed to replicate a good chunk of the Persona 5 Confidant Theme for KLWP, just as a way to see if I could, I’ve managed to do a pretty good job at replicating most of the complex animations, but something got in my mind, for Example:

    If I have a Pinned Item, and I want it to slide to one side when I’m on Page1, and Slide to the other side when I’m on page 2, I can make that, that’s fine, the problem is that it only reacts in a specific point(the specific Stop Point, that is), this becomes a problem if I’m “manually” scrolling the desktop, and I stop halfway between the pages, at this point the Pinned Item will either have already made his transistion or not(depending where I put the stop point), I wish that If I stopped between pages, the Pinned Item stays at between his transition

    As LL is now, I could, theoretically, make a shitton of stop points between two “key frames”, each one setting a variable to a small increment, basically animating the transtion between one side to the other at each point, but I feel it shouldn’t be impossible to do a Long Stop Point that acts as two “Key Frames” and have Lightning Launcher Interpolate that

    tl;dr: make a long stop-point that acts as Key Frames to variables, and everything in between is interpolation


  12. Anonymous says:

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    Christian WS I made in the past a script that could be helpful in this case ( https://www.lightninglauncher.com/wiki/doku.php?id=script_interpolation_lagrange ) but I’m not sure if it will still work.

    However, now we have bindings! And that’s maybe exactly what you need.

    First, set the position change event of the container (where the pages are) to run this script:

    var c = getEvent().getContainer();


    [Pierre: is it possible to access a container value from the set variable dialog?]

    Then, in the item, detach it from the grid (and pin it) and set the binding ‘left’ to


    Where leftpos and rightpos are the pixels from the left in the respective pages.

    Note: I can’t try it at the moment, I hope I wrote it correctly, but if you have any problem create a new post and I’ll help setting it in more detail.


  13. Anonymous says:

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    I appreciate your help, but I always knew you could do crazy stuff with scripting, the problem is I would like some features being inside the Launcher itself, scripting feels like cheating somehow lol, not to mention you can’t expect everyone to know how to code, or to depend on the help of someone else. My request is more that you can (technically) do something like this with a shitton of StopPoints, but it isn’t viable, I just wanted a shortcut already present on the Launcher.

    Like, none of my current homescreens would benefit from this feature, I designed them using the limitations of LL without scripting, however, if I had an option that didn’t require scripting, I would use the heck out of it.


  14. Anonymous says:

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    Christian WS don’t worry, I understand your point.

    Question: how did you implemented that ‘item moved from side to side’? You used stop points, maybe bindings too?


  15. Anonymous says:

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    Christian WS Fair


  16. Anonymous says:

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    This is what I’ve made(it’s unfinished, I’ve never intended to finish it, but just to use the KLWP theme as a basis to see what LL could do, since I’ve never made something this complex):


    I’ve used two stops points for each page transition, one is a stop point, the others do the animation with bindings, and since stop points to work need to stop drag/scroll(which makes it appears its lagging), I’ve made those stop points got to the specific desktop coordinates

    Speaking of which, I wish stop points simply activated once the selected edge of the screen passed through it, no need to stop drag or scroll

    giphy.com – Animated GIF – Find & Share on GIPHY


  17. Anonymous says:

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    Christian WS rest assured that devs do like feature requests. What they don’t like is bug reports 😉

    TrianguloY yet, it should be possible to access a container value from the set variable dialog, because complex expressions are evaluated as scripts, but they can’t serve as an event source.

    There’s a balance to find between what is built into the app and what is custom processing implemented using scripts. Usually it depends on factors like ease of use, performance or whether the feature can be generalized, but I tend to think that things related to animations are better implemented using bindings, and small scripts.

    I’m not sure to follow exactly how you used stop points and bindings together but, if I understand correctly, the main issue is that no event is generated between two stop point reached events. Hence there’s no intermediate move. I think the missing part is the ability to automatically re-evaluate a binding value when the container is dragged (or maybe more generally: when an object’s property changes). In other words: be able to use the container position to animate the binding. The suggestion from TrianguloY is to fix this by using a script to set an intermediate variable upon container position change event. This is the missing glue. Is my understanding correct?

    I like the idea of stop points that do not need to stop to generate an event.


  18. Anonymous says:

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    Yeah, that sounds correct

    I’ve made a quick example for what I meant whenn I said it was “theoretically possible”:

    There’s 12 stop points(left to right, right to left), each one sets 2 variables for 2 bindings in a item, one for position and another for angle. The leftmost stop point set them to 1, and each subsequent stop point set them to +1, until the rightmost stop point that set the variables to 12. Due to the issue with stop drag, this is far from smooth.

    Just to be clear: My suggestion is making a new type of item, that is basically a stop point that you can change size, it works left to right and right to left(or up to down, down to up), has no snapping, no stop drag or scroll and when setting variables you have the initial value and the end value. It would work like in the screenshot, but you would only set up the first and last point, everything in-between would be made automatically



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