v9.9 alpha, llx only

v9.9 alpha, llx only

Today I am releasing a preview of the next Lightning Launcher version.

No secret here, scripting takes the major place in this update, but there are other goodies regarding events too.

Full changelog:

– add scripting ! Custom actions can be configured for all sort of things, I am eager to see what you will be able to do with this ! Although APIs are not complete yet…

– support for configuring events per desktop (and some of them per panel/desktop)

– back key is now configurable. By default it is plug onto a new “Go back” action

– other new events primarily used for scripting, but not only (desktop loaded, scrolled, stop point reached)

– updated back key behavior with panels: when a panel is touched or scrolled, the back key will reset it to its home position, or reset its container if it is already at home

– dropped support for Android 2.1 (well, this one is not a goodies but hey, time is passing)

And a few minor bug fixes:

– tapping on a widget in the lockscreen will also unlock (same as apps)

– workaround for a drawing bug on 2.3 devices in the box editor

– fix grid lines drawing with fit desktop to item and detached item on the topmost/leftmost position

This version is highly experimental, and for this reason I selected the Google Play alpha channel for this update. In order to allow community members to choose between beta or alpha testing, the Play system requires distinct communities, so I just created a new one: https://plus.google.com/communities/111427002111904170930. Anyone willing to test the alpha version need to join it. Warning, again, this is a preview. Should you want to experiment with it:

make a backup first 😉


11 Commentsto v9.9 alpha, llx only

  1. Anonymous says:

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    This gonna be awesome!


  2. Anonymous says:

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    Wooooo hoooo 🙂


  3. Anonymous says:

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    Chris sledge always time to add another string to your bow.


  4. Anonymous says:

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    Thank you Chris sledge, for your engagement, your honesty, for everything.

    But you know, everybody has its limits, me included. Scripting might well be the last big thing I can add to this app. Don’t get me wrong, I won’t stop developments now, there are tons of things to improve and build 😉 But I don’t think that there will be a version 11 after version 10, only 10.x.

    Hopefully that will enable our brains to have some rest 😉


  5. Anonymous says:

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    I hear you, and well done for making a courageous career change. My background is IT, and i avoided learning Java for as along as possible, so much to learn and forever seems to be expanding. FWICT the scripting in LLX is javascript based, which in my mind at least is much more straight forward than Java.

    I talked a good mate of mine into working in IT coming from building service management background with no knowledge or IT what so ever. Several years later on, he’s now a SysAdmin and loving it.

    Oddly enough and in the opposite direction, i was looking at learning welding to make a bike!


  6. Anonymous says:

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    Agree, scripting is over the top for me too, LLX/Pierre seem to know no boundaries, hats off! I’m quite content with “old skool” customizing, and wish the best for the future. (Will stay around of course).


  7. Anonymous says:

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    PS. Added unlock for apps as well? You mean they all open the phone? I’d rather have it the other way around, i.e. apps/widgets on lockscreen is a sandbox. After playing, you’re back to the lock screen. Maybe not Android functionality?


  8. Anonymous says:

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    My opinion is divided. For me personally this planned update is way over my head. I work with law and economics and have no tecnical skills in computing, but I have learned via tasker to write some basic strings. I love however the estethic side of theming not the tecnical. My opinion is that as long as this feature with scripting is just a feature/bonus and not force one to learn java scripting. I have no problem with that. All other excisting features will be there as before and hopefully developed further.


  9. Anonymous says:

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    Chris sledge I really hope that LLx will be devleoped for us power users (without scripting skills) and not only for super super users. LLx is definately not for an average user even in it’s current state, steep learning curve. A horror scenario will be when reporting a bug. An answer will be “it solved easily by a script”;), but I do not think so.


  10. Anonymous says:

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    Chris sledge Me too!


  11. Anonymous says:

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    I confirm: scripting is an advanced feature (probably the most advanced one since it requires knowledge of a programming language). It is not meant to replace other features. It’s purpose is really to allow things that are difficult or not possible to do with configuration screens.

    What I hope though, is that scripts will be exchanged between users to realize specific tasks or effects, and that it will merely consists in a copy/paste, hence combining the flexibility of script and the (relative) ease of use.


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