When you improved the search feature in the app drawer, you finally made that my keyboard (for some reason seems to…

When you improved the search feature in the app drawer, you finally made that my keyboard (for some reason seems to be different) appear automatically.

Now I realize that it also happens with the ‘edit label’ pop-up (from the pop-up menu and from the edit item menu)

It also happen with the edit desktop name, but I think that the pop-up is the same.

If you can make the same as with the search text box(so the keyboard will show automatically) it will be appreciated, but it’s not as important as that.

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2 Commentsto When you improved the search feature in the app drawer, you finally made that my keyboard (for some reason seems to…

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    That’s pretty weird, it should really work out of the box. But you can’t be the only one to see the issue…


  2. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    The only time my keyboard appears automatically is in the search window. In all other text input boxes I have to tap the input area first.


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