What makes LLX unique is that it can be programmed, customised etc.

What makes LLX unique is that it can be programmed, customised etc. These sort of images (only as an example) I feel better capture the dynamics of LLX. The hand represents the user/programmer who has “forged” and is launching the lightning bolt which represents the LLX desktop framework to be created


9 Commentsto What makes LLX unique is that it can be programmed, customised etc.

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Vote up for that hand! Maybe yombine it with some of the backgroiunds of other items suggested? From the ones presented here I like the one with white and dark red background most.


  2. Anonymous says:

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    I really love the fist-lightning bolt idea. Try it on a simple red circle?


  3. Anonymous says:

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    This is an extremely  good idea. The user is handling and mastering the power. What best than a nude hand to express the arm and the man behind have full control over the power?

    These icons look familiar to me though: is there an app or something else using a variation of this theme?


  4. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert​ these images are from a Google search and someone else’s property. I merely posted them to illustrate the idea of a hand “scripting” and “launching” a lightning bolt … to try to better capture the essence of LLX. I was hoping that someone in the LLX community might design one


  5. Anonymous says:

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    The symbol belongs to a company. See http://www.vandenbosch-electro.eu


  6. Anonymous says:

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    And it seems to be owned by 123rf. See http://de.123rf.com/photo_5892125_blitz-faust-symbol-satz-auf-einem-weissen-hintergrund-isoliert.html

    They do sell it, but one would have to buy a license.


  7. Anonymous says:

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    Harry Buskes I understood that but the image looks so familiar to me that I was wondering where I already saw it.


  8. Anonymous says:

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    Please, no hand. Somewhat too “aggressive”. We’re loosing the focus once again.


  9. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert I agree, but if someone goes in this direction, I’d like to see a different hand, one that somehow communicates creating. These look like fists, which would be fine for a war game but a total turn off for something that is basically my phone’s infrastructure.

    The picture in my head is a hand drawing with a lightning-bolt shaped pencil. Because that’s exactly what lightning is. Thanks, Harry Buskes​.

    At the moment I have neither the tools nor the skills to create something like that, and it might be too much to cram into a little icon anyway, but I definitely like this idea.


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