About 9patch:

About 9patch:

1) I think it would be better to show a message (a pop-up message or whatever) to say if the 9 patch was correctly set or not. Also, if it wasn’t set, why not. (If possible)

2) I would like to use the mobile to create 9 patch, but unfortunately on-line editors has problems with android browsers.

I found an android app (search 9patch, is the only one app) but unfortunately it only saves ‘uncompressed’ images (the ones with the black lines at the edges)

Does someone here know how to make a ‘compiled’ 9 patch image from a png file? Could the launcher do this? Thanks.


15 Commentsto About 9patch:

  1. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert u can with eclipse compile the 9 patch but for me it seem difficult lol


  2. Anonymous says:

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    It would also be nice to have an indicator next to where you set 9patch with the file name or at least a check box… That way you know where you’ve applied 9patch and where you didnt. This would be useful especially in places you have multiple 9patch options for normal, selected, and focuaed .


  3. Anonymous says:

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    Christopher Rogers you can see if it was applied in the preview items, but your suggestion is also good to delete it. (The 9patch I mean)


  4. Anonymous says:

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    TrianguloY I always forget about the preview. Should make my life easier for trying out 9patches. Thanks


  5. Anonymous says:

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    Meaning… For some reason I had the preview covered up haha


  6. Anonymous says:

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    There’s an app called AIDE its kinda like Eclipse but its for a phone it might be possible to make 9patches with that or one of its add ons like the UI Designer. If not send the devs a email maybe they could do something to make it possible


  7. Anonymous says:

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    Jay M very good idea ! AIDE works very well and will do the job of compiling 9patch (AIDE is capable of building LL, and probably most if not all apps in fact).

    Yes indeed, LL need to better handle cases where the selected file is not valid. Displaying the file name is not possible at this time because it is copied in the launcher data directory and renamed, so the original name is lost.


  8. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert can you tell us how to use AIDE to compile 9 patch images. btw loving the 9 patch addition 🙂


  9. Anonymous says:

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    Shoaib Iftekhar I think you just create a new project add your png files to the res folder then compile the apk and then extract the compiled images.


  10. Anonymous says:

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    Jay M yeah I tried that but it didn’t work. What I did is I started a new project, simple hello world project, added the image.9.png in res/drawable hdpi folder and then compiled the project..compilation was successful but 9patch didn’t compile with it.


  11. Anonymous says:

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    I’m not suee but maybe one have to write the code aswell and in that code one have to point to the png in question and compile that png with a certain command. Right?


  12. Anonymous says:

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    It should work just as Jay M said. No code is needed because APKs could be data only (such as icon packs for instance). Try to check whether the image has been compiled in some hidden directory (sorry I don’t have time to test it myself today…).


  13. Anonymous says:

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    Shoaib Iftekhar Try it with a png not a 9.png (just your png with the 1 pixel black border) after it compiles it should have the 9.png extension.


  14. Anonymous says:

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    What are you using to draw the png btw? If its Photoshop or something make sure the black border is 100% black #FF000000 or it won’t work


  15. Anonymous says:

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    YES!! it’s working. well it was working already but I was looking in the wrong place, I wasn’t looking in compiled apk, beginner mistake. sorry for any trouble. THANX 🙂 🙂


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