Not exactly related with Lightning, but this is something I have in mind since while, and a recent post from…

Not exactly related with Lightning, but this is something I have in mind since while, and a recent post from TrianguloY reactivated the idea.

Would some ‘script lover’ be interested in a JavaScript runtime only application? This would be a kind of runtime that loads a script, possibly from an APK and run it. It would provide a screen so that views can be added, and most importantly a good (or at least decent) JavaScript editor. All in one it would allow the creation of mini apps, without compiler, directly on the phone or tablet.

That’s the basic idea, it is easy to imagine how it could be extended. I don’t even checked whether it already exists or not. Just throwing the idea here.


17 Commentsto Not exactly related with Lightning, but this is something I have in mind since while, and a recent post from…

  1. Anonymous says:

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    Could potentialy be very cool!


  2. Anonymous says:

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    Oh wow that would really be cool man.. I’m still trying to learn scripts and stuff but don’t really know where to start, but yes being able to create a functional app without using a pc or something like Tasker would be jus bad ass


  3. Anonymous says:

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    I would love this!


  4. Anonymous says:

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    Corey Spell​​​​ I recently wrote my 1st Script what I did was start with something small. My goal was to show a simple Toast message with the name of which desktop i was currently on as setup in the config screen, so nothing usefull really. So anyways i got TrianguloY​​​​ Case Change Script, studied how it worked watched a couple JavaScript videos on YouTube and then I got down to it and once I had that working (which took me quite a while and plenty of trial and error) I was buzzing and expanded it a little I also Toasted the desktop # Then I wrote a popup window that gave me 3 choices if i typed 1 I got the same Toast message as before and if I typed 2 I had one of my Tasker Tasks run and if I typed 3 it Toasted my Name then from here I gotta bit carried away and looked into using the Android framework through script (This took ages) i built a custom layout in a Dialog and added a textedit then when I pressed OK it Toasted whatever I typed into the textedit. Then somehow a simple script ended up turning into a quick way to make notes. I’m suprised it works tbh i didn’t think I would get nowere near as far as I did. Lukas Morawietz​​​​ puts a lotta comments in his scripts so there a great place for noobs like us to learn from. Look at his Multi Tool Script lots of good stuff in there.


  5. Anonymous says:

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    Cool beans Thnx man I’m gunna try my best to learn it lol


  6. Anonymous says:

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    Good luck. Your gunna need it lol but soon as you get that 1st script working you will feel like a genious, I did anyways haha.


  7. Anonymous says:

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    That is why programming is fun!

    At first it is great to see how the machine executes your order blindly: you say ‘print hello’, and the computer prints hello. Pure joy. Then things get a little more complicated over time, this silly machine starts to react strangely, not everything works as expected, but that’s still OK. Some time later the only thing you will want to do is to throw away the stupid thing through the window 🙂

    (joking, well… mostly)


  8. Anonymous says:

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    Sounds like even professionals still get a buzz seeing there programs come to life.


  9. Anonymous says:

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    Yeah I will definitely get a kick outta that lol I’m a professional musician and a sound engineer and I still get a kick outta hearing music come together and everything sounding perfect


  10. Anonymous says:

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    Nice idea! And every mini-app could be edited to see how it works 😉

    This kind of stuff already exist (like SL4A) but with the LL.bindClass, the possibilities of this kind of app is multiplied by 100 !!

    Really like the idea!


  11. Anonymous says:

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    I have to correct Jay M here. Some of my scripts are commented, exactly the ones I’ve created/updated after Benoît de Chezelles asked for comments. All other have no comments at all.

    Nevertheless I’m happy if I can help somebody learning 🙂


  12. Anonymous says:

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    I don’t have any idea yet to use but i like idea itself. 👍


  13. Anonymous says:

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    Years ago, in 2009 I guess, there was something similar that allowed running various types of scripts, including I think Python or Jython scripts, on an Android phone. It was much more limited however and I never could conceive an actual use for it, besides it needed too much of RAM from my poor G1… 😉

    I forgot the name of that ancient project.

    But hey I do think that this sounds cool! 🙂


  14. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert Once I was in a colleague’s office that was located in a building that had empty warehouse space in the back.  The only things back there were several bashed and dented old computer boxes.  I looked at him and joked that it looked like he was taking out his frustrations on the poor little machines.  He laughed and said that is exactly why those old dead boxes were back there.  When he gets frustrated with the server’s behavior or brain dead clients, he goes back there, closes the door, and jumps up and down on the nasty hardware…claims it good therapy 🙂


  15. Anonymous says:

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    Lol nice


  16. Anonymous says:

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    Quite an extreme behavior!

    As for myself I prefer to remain far from extremes.


  17. Anonymous says:

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    Ikr lol they make medication for that lol 😂😂


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