now browsing by category


If user have selected for app drawer only one categories, and use gestures up or down, this doing refresh of screen.

If user have selected for app drawer only one categories, and use gestures up or down, this doing refresh of screen. Only one choise – alphabetical working good (not doing refresh), others (my drawer, used often, etc), have this problem.

Pierre Hébert




1) Containrer(Panel, Folder) Draw Grid Lines does not work.

2) Only customview(It is not to specify the ‘Create script’ even) is put on floatingdesktop.

LL crashes when reboot LL and display floatingdesktop immediately.

It doesn’t crash when display desktop based on floatingdesktop at least once, after reboot and before display floatingdesktop.

I posted crashreport by mail.


I have for app drawer /my drawer seted: horizontal scroling only and seamless x to yes.

I have for app drawer /my drawer seted: horizontal scroling only and seamless x to yes. I doing sorting by az, and now i have every items on position 0 (dots page indicator is in one line) . If i install some app, on video i install google news, everytime LL this new app add to screen on position 1 (dots page indicator have now two lines). Probles is for gestures, because up or down now doing switch sorting and i cannot go to screen + 1 position, i must doing new sorting az, now i have already screens in 0 position (only one line for dots indicator).

Pierre Hébert​




Configure Desktop

Try to delete an existing desktop

Get Unrecoverable Error and LL restarts


The wallpaper/background color set on a floating desktop is not shown when the desktop is viewed in the floating…

The wallpaper/background color set on a floating desktop is not shown when the desktop is viewed in the floating form. Is that a bug, intended behaviour or a limitation of what can be done? I’m assuming the easy workaround is to put everything in a panel.


If is seamless mode set to on, in preview all screen doing this function some bugs. More in video. Pierre Hébert

If is seamless mode set to on, in preview all screen doing this function some bugs. More in video. Pierre Hébert 


I have desktop with 3 horizontal screen, and only 1 vertical.

I have desktop with 3 horizontal screen, and only 1 vertical.

Now i move some item to top screen. Right now my page indicator show number 0 and -1. This is ok.

Now i enable seamless mode x (not Y). Go back to desktop. And here is first bug. I dont know why, but LL doing move item from -1 screen to previous position (0 screen).

Ok, i doing again move with this item to top (-1 screen). Now i must have in indicator -1 and 0. But i have -1,0, and +1 screen, this is second bug, because LL create new empty screen in bottom (-1). If i doing zoom to all screen, this screen is not visible (this is bug 3). If i put some item to -1 screen and zoom to all, now is this -1 screen visible, after delete item and going to zoom all screen isnt visible again. Pierre Hébert 


Pierre Hébert​

Pierre Hébert​

I have desktop with 3 page. I add page indicator in text format. Now i can see in indicator numers -1,+-0,+1 (this is almost ok – i dont know +-0, only 0) .

Now if i enable seamless mode x to yes, sometime i see in page indicator number +2, this must be bug.


I have panel as dockbar (1×5), and for example right now i have set seamless mode y to yes.

I have panel as dockbar (1×5), and for example right now i have set seamless mode y to yes. If i select for exaple translator and go to edit mode, i see this icon in edit mode. I doing exit from edit mode. Now i doing scrolling in panel. And now if select again icon for translator and go to edit mode, right now i dont see icons. If i going back to normal mode, and go back to home page of panel (by back key), now i can see in edit mode again icon for translator. 


Bindings with Variables in Panels doesn’t work correctly.

Bindings with Variables in Panels doesn’t work correctly.

I have Taskerprofiles/Tasks which observe and count notifications for some Apps. When Tasker recognizes a new notifications it changes variables for LL. This works excellent.

In a simple example: $ll_mail for mail, $ll_hangout for hangout etc.

On desktop i have a textitem which have the binding for the text-label:

var z=($ll_mail*1) + ($ll_hangout*1) + …;

var za= z.toString();

return za;

Shows the sum of all notifications.

This works perfect.

Now i a have a panel. in this panel are other textitems with bindings for text-label:

var z=($ll_mail*1) ;

var za= z.toString();

return za;

var z=($ll_hangout*1) ;

var za= z.toString();

return za;

This works just for a short time, it stops working after a while.

The textitem on Desktop still fine. 

With luck it works after restart/reboot. 

When i move the Items out of the panel to desktop it works perfect again.

Happens on different devices. LL V12.6

Pierre Hébert 
