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Just want to say thank you again.

Just want to say thank you again. I’ve used this launcher for so many years and I have no need to try any other. Keep up the good work


I’m growing tired of this launcher, I’ve been having this problem for over a year and since updates are more and…

I’m growing tired of this launcher, I’ve been having this problem for over a year and since updates are more and more rear, it seems this will never get fixed, I’ve written to the developers without answer, which makes it more annoying cause I payed for the app.

In the lightning settings the option to keep it running (RAM) is on, in the Android settings it’s configured not to snooze, and every now and then I hit the home button and this comes up, I have to wait even the a few seconds for the launcher to “start”, I even have time to take a screenshot…

Any ideas?



Thanks im going to purchase this launcher as soon as possible and i’ll probably need some help!!

Thanks im going to purchase this launcher as soon as possible and i’ll probably need some help!!


Due to temporary incompatibility between my rom and LLX, I was forced to use other launchers for about a week.

Due to temporary incompatibility between my rom and LLX, I was forced to use other launchers for about a week. I remembered that years ago, when I first switched to LLX, it was the most feature rich launcher around. I figured by now, things must have changed. The soaring popularity of certain other launchers must mean that they too offer some amazing customizations, and I must admit, I figured they must do so in a much simpler way, thus the popularity.


NONE of the most popular launchers come even close! They are really very boring after LLX, and I am more convinced now than ever, that hands down, this is the best launcher by many miles! I could not wait to get back!

So great job +Pierre Hébert and keep it up! Thanks to you and all the moderators for your time here!


Hello, i found useful tools for screendesign.

Hello, i found useful tools for screendesign.

(Two links inside)

If you want to rebuild a screen from a previous design or create a copy from another layout. With this app You can overlay a picture/screenshot and/or a grid .There is also an option to set the alpha value. The picture is always visible.

The next one is custom grid overlay. You can set single or repeating lines vertical and horizontal with differend colors.

If you have many screens in your launcher and want to have a continous look, this tool is very good.

Have fun 🙂

Hello, i found an usefull app to measure the screenposition- and size of objects on your screen.

Hello, i found an usefull app to measure the screenposition- and size of objects on your screen. I use it to put elements on my screen and to set the position and size of new folders (if open). The app is customizable (color, size position etc). Here is the link:

IMHO the lock screen functionality should be bundled in a separate app.

IMHO the lock screen functionality should be bundled in a separate app. So that any additional permissions that the lock screen app requires can be provided without impacting the launcher.

This will open up more ways to improve the lock screen and implement new features.

Also, this will help the developer to generate revenue to support the development.

Pierre Hébert​


Thank you for your hard work, and fun app.

Thank you for your hard work, and fun app. Thanks for having my friend Chris Chastain​ help. You both are outstanding.


Spreading the word!

Spreading the word!

Originally shared by Thomas Greer

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, this is the best launcher for Android! I’ve tried almost all of them, and have yet to find one that even comes close. It’s like having Zooper, wrapped in Pop-up widget, wrapped in Tasker, wrapped in Themer, with a natural and intuitive editor. Tired of limitations? Tear down the walls! With scripting support, as well as a script repository, the options are literally endless. Tap into the core of your device with KLWP and Tasker integration. Instantly access your favorite apps and widgets in true multitasking style from anywhere with Floating Desktop. Best of all, all this and much more, NEATLY PACKED INSIDE A 795 kb APK!

Mention was made recently of using a bug tracking service of some kind to avoid some of the many dire shortcomings…

Mention was made recently of using a bug tracking service of some kind to avoid some of the many dire shortcomings inherent in the design of Google+. Frankly, it’s a terrible system, and if it wasn’t made by Google, it would wither and wilt away in obscurity, and deservedly so, but I digress.

Currently, Google+ is not only being used as a bug tracker, it’s also being used as a forum and a wiki. It is none of these things, and it fails miserably as a substitute for them. Honestly, for me, the worst thing about Lightning Launcher, is Google+.

Google+ is unstructured, slow, ugly, locked in, and borderline unsearchable. It barely functions as a social network, let alone in any other capacity. Let’s please, please, please talk about migrating to usable software or services.
