March, 2014
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API script suggestion:
The item.getTag() , setTag() is awesome (I’ll post a lock screen script soon) however there is something that stops me…It is attached to an item.
Suggestion: what about a tag attached to the script itself?
Possibility 1) I don’t know how JavaScript works exactly, but maybe there is a way to make a constant var (like this.tag…or whatever)
Possibility 2) add a
LL.setTag(String tag),
String LL.getTag()
that will get/set the tag of the script. Optionally maybe also two overloads
LL.setTag(String tag , String script)
String LL.getTag(String script)
to allow set/get the tag of other scripts…maybe useful in the future.
]]>Something odd, every time I try to edit a property for the app drawer, the app crashes… [9.9.9]
I can’t seem to disable snap to pages in all apps settings. Am i the only one who experience this?
I’d like to be able to duplicate an item, then change its settings.
Hi how could we
– change scroll speed on desktop (e.g. instantenous when clicked on a bookmark)?
-change speed of tab switch in “All Apps”?
]]>Visual folder
Visual folder
This script will automatically detect the position of an item (detached or not) relatively from the actual screen, and then apply it to a folder.
You need to run it from the long click menu. (It will detect if the item is a folder or not)
The data is saved and applied once.
– Copy paste this script, check the ‘show in item menu’
– Place an item (not a folder) and change their size as you want, relative to the screen itself, not the desktop (you can be far away from the main page)
– Run the script. The position/size will be saved.
– Run the script in a folder. Apply.
(- Now you can delete the previous item if you want.)
{Improved thanks to TBog suggestion}
var item = LL.getEvent().getItem();
var desk = LL.getEvent().getContainer() || LL.getCurrentDesktop();
if(!(“visualFolder” in self)){alert(“No data found\nYou need to run the script from a non-folder first to save data”); return;}
if(!confirm(“Folder detected. Would you like to apply the saved data?”) )return;
setString(“f.wAV”, “CUSTOM”).
setInteger(“f.wX”, self.visualFolder[0] ).
setInteger( “f.wY”, self.visualFolder[1] ).
setInteger( “f.wW”, self.visualFolder[2] ).
setInteger( “f.wH”, self.visualFolder[3] ).
Android.makeNewToast(“Data applied”,false).show();
self.visualFolder[0] = item.getPositionX()-desk.getPositionX();
self.visualFolder[1] = item.getPositionY()-desk.getPositionY();
self.visualFolder[2] = item.getWidth()*item.getScaleX();
self.visualFolder[3] = item.getHeight()*item.getScaleY();
Android.makeNewToast(“Saved data. Run the script on a folder to apply”,false).show();