April, 2016

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So Im using the the latest version of Lightning Launcher, and I’ve always had this problem with Samsung: when using…

So Im using the the latest version of Lightning Launcher, and I’ve always had this problem with Samsung: when using third party icon packs with Lightning, half of my icons on my screens have square borders around the icons, which really is annoying and just ugly. Any ideas?!?

/So I deleted my other script and changed some stuff to create this one which gives you more control.

/So I deleted my other script and changed some stuff to create this one which gives you more control. You now have 3 options what to do with the bars. See Screenshot./

//System bar color changer

var defaultColor = 0xffff5722; // LL Orange

var desktop = LL.getCurrentDesktop();

var property = desktop.getProperties();

var editor = property.edit();

var choice = prompt(“1 = Use same color for both bars\n2 = Use different colors for each bar\n3 = Use Lightning Launchers Orange”, “”);

if (choice == 3)


editor.setInteger(“statusBarColor”, 0xffff5722);

editor.setInteger(“navigationBarColor”, 0xffff5722);


Android.makeNewToast(“Excellent choice!”, true).show();


if (choice == null)


//Android.makeNewToast(“null selected”, true).show();


else if ((choice != 1) && (choice != 2) && (choice != 3))


Android.makeNewToast(“Use only 1 2 or 3”, true).show();


else if (choice == 1)


//Android.makeNewToast(“1 selected”, true).show();

var barsColor = LL.pickColor(“Statusbar and Navbar Color”, defaultColor, true);

if (barsColor != null)


editor.setInteger(“statusBarColor”, barsColor);

editor.setInteger(“navigationBarColor”, barsColor);




else if (choice == 2)


Android.makeNewToast(“Statusbar color”, true).show();

var statusColor = LL.pickColor(“Statusbar Color”, defaultColor, true);

if (statusColor != null)


Android.makeNewToast(“Navbar color”, true).show();

editor.setInteger(“statusBarColor”, statusColor);


var navbarColor = LL.pickColor(“Navbarbar Color”, defaultColor, true);

if (navbarColor != null)


editor.setInteger(“navigationBarColor”, navbarColor);






Hello everyone, this is my profile switcher system.

Hello everyone, this is my profile switcher system. I have a folder with 4 shortcuts to tasker tasks that turn on/off WiFi and pattern lock and control sound etc.

3 ways to open

– swipe up from tasker icon on home screen

– tap current profile icon on lock screen

– swipe from top right to left in any app floating desktop)

Animations by lutz linke and trianguloy. I just reverted trianguloy’s material click effect.

Please leave a comment if you have any questions or have other comments 🙂


Hallo, heb steeds dat mijn Google start pagina wordt ingesteld, terwijl hij niet de standaard startpagina is.

Hallo, heb steeds dat mijn Google start pagina wordt ingesteld, terwijl hij niet de standaard startpagina is. Waar kan dat aan liggen?

Back on Track ;-)

Originally shared by gerd reuter (werksmannschaft)

Back on Track 😉

Klippe , free preset for Kustom LWP & LL



When clicking a Tasker shortcut on the LL home desktop, sometimes LL causes last used app to be displayed instead of…

When clicking a Tasker shortcut on the LL home desktop, sometimes LL causes last used app to be displayed instead of running the Tasker shortcut. Anyone else have this problem?


Is there a script anywhere to automatically hide an app drawer shortcut once it has been added to a folder?

Is there a script anywhere to automatically hide an app drawer shortcut once it has been added to a folder? for example, if I make a folder on a desktop called “Social” and add Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to it, they should automatically be hidden afterwards in the App Drawer. The method of adding would be to open the folder, longpress and add app, then longpress Twitter to go to multiple-selection mode and select the other two.

ShadesOfKray – Lightning Launcher Theme\Template with Kustom Widget Maker

Originally shared by gerd reuter (werksmannschaft)

ShadesOfKray – Lightning Launcher Theme\Template with Kustom Widget Maker

Pages for Music, Weather, Agenda and News

+ Notificationpanel and Panel for Favorites.

+ LockScreen (not activated by default)

Horizontal and Vertical Navigation.

Works with or without Statusbar/OnScreenNavKeys 

I used a grid with 8 Cols and 12 Rows.

A lot of Globals to customize.

Notificationbadges shown for:

Whatsapp, Outlook, GMail, Hangouts, Phone.

If you use other apps please adjust by yourself.

Also if there is an event on current day you will see a badge right date.

Icons: Flatcon White and Flatcons Black



Available soon:


rock on


I hope my deliberately stupid comment has been of some use.

I hope my deliberately stupid comment has been of some use.

Is there somewhere a light version, I don´t know anything more.

I can no longer follow.

This launcher is no longer usable for the normal user, the old version was better. Too bad.


How can I add multiple apps to a folder at a time?

How can I add multiple apps to a folder at a time?