January, 2018

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How can I hide a folder(sidebar) icon so it will only be opened by gesture?

How can I hide a folder(sidebar) icon so it will only be opened by gesture?

Why is the createscript of a customview called more than once? Docs don’t say anything unfortunately.

Why is the createscript of a customview called more than once? Docs don’t say anything unfortunately.

Expected behaviour would be one call only?


Tasker Functions

Tasker Functions

About the script

Purpose: This is a script with useful Tasker functions.

Author: jorgepr13

How to use it:

1. Single variables

change %My_Var with the varaible that you need, and the value with the value that you need

setTaskerVariable(“%My_Var”, value);


2. Multiple variables


3. Optional

You can have your Tasker “class” as an individual script and “import” it with the following code.

try {eval(getScriptByName(“Tasker_Functions”).getText());} catch (e) {Toast.makeText(getActiveScreen().getContext(), “One of the required scripts couldn’t be loaded.\nPlease try again.\n\n” + e, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); return null;}

Where “Tasker_Functions” is the name of the script.


runTaskerTask(name, wait)


“name” is the task name

“wait” is the boolean to wait for the task completion

* References *



Right now in order to exit the app drawer with the back key and I’m not at the beginning/top of the app drawer I…

Right now in order to exit the app drawer with the back key and I’m not at the beginning/top of the app drawer I need to press it twice. The first press scrolls to the beginning/top of the list and the second press exits the drawer.

It’s been awhile since I’ve used this launcher but that’s not how it was before, right?

Is there a script or some other work around I can use so no matter where I am in the drawer pressing the back key exits the drawer?


I changed the icon pack, but I can’t seem to change it anymore, nor can I reset to default. Is that a known problem?

I changed the icon pack, but I can’t seem to change it anymore, nor can I reset to default. Is that a known problem?

I’m running the latest LL on the latest Oreo on a Pixel.


Hi all. New to this community, although I’ve used the awsome launcher that is LL for about half a year.

Hi all. New to this community, although I’ve used the awsome launcher that is LL for about half a year.

I need to assign an “if” condition to an event I’ve assigned to an icon. More specifically I want to set long press to open a folder in which I’ve added a Notifications’ Widget (my “makeshift” notification dot) ONLY if an unread notification exists for said app.

I’ve set up LL variables linked to Tasker variables that count notifications and successfully bound (using bindings) the multi tool unread badges’ visibility with a >0 statement for the LL variable that is linked to the Tasker notification count variable.

My question is how to link the same statement with the visibility (or rather the executability) of the long press to open folder action. I want the long press to open the folder if the unread badge is visible (which is the case of the notification count is >0) and do nothing if the unread badge is invisible (and notification count is 0).

Is there a script I could set up to do this?

I’d appreciate any member’s valuable ideas on this…

Apologies if this has been answered somewhere already, but I haven’t seen any such post in the search I’ve done.