My bug report is relevant to panels.

My bug report is relevant to panels. I have five panels on top of each other. When I grab an outside item, and hover over the panels, it is dropped into one of them. However the target panel is not dependent on the visibility state. And it doesn’t seem to be affected by z-index either (I tried to alter their order).

I think that a dragged over item should drop into the panel that is topmost && visible.

I’d also have a question related to to the above.

Is it possible to hide a panel by default?

I try to make a setup where I make panels to behave like folders by opening/hiding/animating them by scripts. However when LL reloads all the panels are visible on top of each other.


2 Commentsto My bug report is relevant to panels.

  1. Anonymous says:

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    Visible or not visible, panels are THERE. They are not folders. If you want to “hide” them, you have to move them out of the visible desktop page. Works best with pinning and positioning so they won’t appear when scrolling.


  2. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Lutz Linke Thanks. I thought of this solution (without the pinning), but then I’ll need to explicitly store the position of the panels (unless I always want to bring them up in the center). I just hoped that there is an easier solution.


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