Problem with widgets in panels.

Problem with widgets in panels.

I have been having problems with several widgets either just not updating or even worse, changing to Cannot find widget message(don’t remember exact wording. Well I tracked it down to only happening to widgets inside panels. Either what, restarting Lightning fixes it for awhile. Very frustrating. They work fine if directly on the desktop.

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3 Commentsto Problem with widgets in panels.

  1. Anonymous says:

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    I got this issue too, widgets freeze and only way is restarting LLX


  2. Anonymous says:

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    In theory it should work the same for desktop and panels. I am worried about this difference, could it be that it happens in panels because widgets in panels have been added after widgets in desktop, or is it independent from this ?


  3. Anonymous says:

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    When it was failing I only had widgets inside panels and folders. My desktop only had panels on it. The panels contained items, widgets, folders, and other panels.


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