Lightning Launcher eXtreme v10.6 is online!

Lightning Launcher eXtreme v10.6 is online! This is the first major release since a while and I am very happy to publish it. Things are moving forward.

Most notable new features are support for custom status and navigation bar color (full support for Android 5+, tinted on Android 4.4), an experimental “seamless mode” allowing an infinite scrolling and at last but not least a new setting to automatically colorize any icon. As usual, a fair number of bug fixes are also included 😉

To celebrate both this new release and Christmas, Lightning is 50% off for a limited time, spread the word!

6 Commentsto Lightning Launcher eXtreme v10.6 is online!

  1. TrianguloY says:

    Alan K the current only way to do that is in the app drawer settings, system bars, action bars, background image. Choose a picture and the blue line will disappear. If you want to change the color you can create a picture with the size of the bar (for example taking a screenshot) and draw it like the current one with a different color

  2. The blue line in the search text is part of the text editor. It could be changed, but as this is a standard UI component I think this is not a really good idea (this would be pushing the limits too far 😉 )

  3. TrianguloY says:

    Write it in the todo list.

    Maybe in the future…who knows 😉

  4. TrianguloY no, this is not something I am willing to do because this blue line can be viewed everywhere on the device. If it has to be customized, then it has to be modified at the platform level.Customizing it in only one screen is overkill, IMHO.

  5. TrianguloY says:

    Pierre Hébert ok ok, you are the developer 🙂

    I’m sorry if sometimes I sound a bit headstrong (here and in other posts), I only want to help discussing once or twice, this way sometimes you realize that it is possible, easier, or even you get new ideas 😀

  6. Be sure that I know that and I appreciate it!

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