March, 2014

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tag in a script

tag in a script



a little delicate method name difference.

At first, I thought two methods do the same feature like persistent data storing, but one to a item, the other to global(?) LL.

API doc says,

setScriptTag (String tag)

Set a persistent tag data for the currently executing script.

does “currently executing script” have special meaning? ie, other scripts can’t see that LL tag? I thought LL is global object. However API seems to say this a global just to an script?

And both item tag and LL tag can have persitent data after reloading LL app, right?


Pierre Hébert your server is down, please restore it.

Probably is there anyone who has script API document zip?


Blah blah blah why the new HTC One will/won’t be the best phone ever, blah blah blah better or worse than the Galaxy…

Originally shared by JR Raphael

Blah blah blah why the new HTC One will/won’t be the best phone ever, blah blah blah better or worse than the Galaxy S5, blah blah blah everything vs. the iPhone 6, blah blah blah blah blah blah blaaaah.

It’s amazing how much “analysis” can be generated about phones that no one’s actually used in the real world yet. 


About the size bug I posted in another post.

About the size bug I posted in another post.

Steps: do them in order:

Take an item with ScaleX=1 (I tried with a newly created one)

Open the geometry menu, go to the scale section.

Set ScaleX to 1000 –> scale set to 1000

Set ScaleX to 1 –> scale set to 1

Set ScaleX to 1001 –> scale set to 1001

Set ScaleX to 1 –> scale stay in 1001

From my observations, the rule is:

When setting a new scale (from the menu or from script)

If the new scale is less that the previous divided by 1000, it is not applied.

Another example: set it to 1234

You can set it to 2, but not 1.

You can set it to 1.235 but not 1.234

Pierre Hébert…are you sure you didn’t make this? 

Oh, it work in the stable and in the latest beta.


Please help me with a script (for infinity scrolling in panel / dockbar).

Please help me with a script (for infinity scrolling in panel / dockbar).

I like the dockbar with infinite scrolling. Unfortunately, this is not in LL.

solution is the panel + script…

My idea:

add to desktop one panel.

for panel set events and action (Load or another automaticaly run script) for Run a script. (for automatically doing script after restart phone for never end).

I know, how find last left and last right item in panel (if user use grid). This two script:

script for find item in last right side

var c = LL.getEvent().getContainer();

var t = c.getBoundingBox();

c.setPosition((t.getRight() – c.getWidth()) – (0*c.getCellWidth()) , (t.getBottom() – c.getHeight()) );

script for find item in last left side

var c = LL.getEvent().getContainer();

var t = c.getBoundingBox();

c.setPosition(t.getLeft() – (0*c.getCellWidth()) , (t.getBottom() – c.getHeight()) );

How has finished script work?

If i have only one screen (in panel), doing nothing.

If i go to more left or right (to another screen in panel) and a i am not on last screen, doing nothing.

If i am on last left screen and doing swipe more left, doing script go to last right side.

If i am on last right screen and doing swipe more right, doing script go to last left side.

Thank you for your help…



Originally shared by gerd reuter (werksmannschaft)


Lightning Launcher eXtreme

Zooper Widget Pro

Media Utilities

Simple Rss Widget









At last I switched to LLX, and I imported my setup from LL.

At last I switched to LLX, and I imported my setup from LL. The automatic import didn’t really work, so I needed to export then import manually, whatever.


In LL I’ve set up the app drawer so that it has a solid color (not black) background, which extends to the status bar and the navigation bar too. 

In LLX, with the same options, the status bar and nav bar are transparent (-> the live wallpaper is visible). If I switch off the transparent bars in misc options, then they are black.




I’m making Window7 mocking template for uploading Play Store. Mine uses several scripts.



If a user already used variable in his scripts, and my template does too, then two variables interferes?


How about script name?

(I could create a script with same name)

So if I want to distribute a temple with scripts, then should I myself consider something like specific name prefix?


The two bugs in the above export are probably connected, since they happened pretty much simultaneously:

1: Changing normal widget background actually changed the image for selected and focused as well. This doesn’t happen every time, but I’ve seen it more than once. The last time it happened, 

2: Panel (dock) disappeared from view, though not from the item hierarchy, after #1: occurred. 

Panel shows up in the desktop item hierarchy, and the item menu is accessible still. After “move out of panel” is clicked, the shortcut lands in the upper left corner of the desktop, the way its supposed to. 

EDIT: 2014MAR23  18:05 PDT 

The llx export linked above is derived from +Chris Chastain’s TopTab apk.  (I had an idea, wasn’t sure I knew exactly how to do it from scratch, so, like any good programmer, I stole something :-). He still has the apk shared at

It uses a dock-like row of 5 pinned shortcuts with top to bottom and bottom to top stop scroll, stop drag, barrier stop points.  I unpinned the shortcuts,  put them into a panel, leaving the stop points in place surrounding the panel,  so that I could slide the dock items to the left and right, so that the dock is no longer limited to the 5 in the original. I was able to use the dock this way off and on for days,  Beyond the addition of shortcuts, there were absolutely no changes made to the dock panel.

Then I changed the background of the little clock widget at the top of the screen. The background change didn’t work right (#1:) and immediately afterward, the dock, which had been happily bouncing up and down at the bottom of the screen until then, disappeared from view.

Question about panels:

Question about panels:

I created a zooper widget outside a panel, then moved it into the panel.

Once it was in the panel, I tried to resize it, but it didn’t snap to the grid.

Is that a bug, a feature, or have I just missed a setting somewhere for the panel?
