May, 2016

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Is there any particular trick to applying Media Control permission via the newly provided apk?

Is there any particular trick to applying Media Control permission via the newly provided apk? I installed it but do not see the permission toggle on either itself or the Lightning Luncher app. I tried rebooting the phone as well as uninstalling and reinstalling the permission apk.

I’m on a Samsung S7 Edge; 6.0.1; no root


Help setInterval not working

Help setInterval not working

var play;

function myfunction()


var d = LL.getCurrentDesktop();

var b = d.getPositionX();

var x = b/2;






I have a couple questions about the lock screen.

I have a couple questions about the lock screen. I have a note 5 running marshmallow, and when I’m on a lock screen I made I can still access multitasking and open other apps which seems really unsafe.

1) Can I disable hardware buttons on the lockscreen?

2) Is there a way to use fingerprint unlock?

3) If none of those, can I use the note 5s lock? That way I can use fingerprint unlock and what I’m used to.

Thanks for any answers you can give me.

Hey, guys, does anyone know how to apply an iconpack to everything?

Hey, guys, does anyone know how to apply an iconpack to everything? I. E. Is there a script command I can use to apply an icon style which I can use to loop through all folders on the desktop and the AppDrawer to apply that style to everything?


Pierre Hébert while profiling my new Metadata script I noticed that the GPU is almost permanently active while the…

Pierre Hébert while profiling my new Metadata script I noticed that the GPU is almost permanently active while the script editor is open. Also the draws seem to take a lot more time. It is nothing visible without a profiler, but nonetheless it seems weird that the script editor takes more gpu time than a desktop.


It would be nice if we could tint or make greyscale widgets some apps have widgets that stand out a mile away eg.

It would be nice if we could tint or make greyscale widgets some apps have widgets that stand out a mile away eg. One Notes purple widget. Heres a couple screenshots full color and Monochromacy.




Edit: V12.9b3: with more fixes.

This second beta is on its way with a set of random bug fixes and minor improvements. I believe it should fix most crashes found in b1 and run reasonably stable.

Full ChangeLog:



Originally shared by gerd reuter (werksmannschaft)


for Kustom LWP & Lightning Launcher

with Ubuntu Edge Icons

1 Mainpage with Weather, Music & Agenda

1 Sidebar with Apps

1 Newspanel

1 Notificationpanel

Alarm in statusbar is colored when alarm is set

Tap to switch Image to map

Nice animation on tap when music is playing.

Works with or without Softkeys\Statusbar (must adjust Globals) and different Launchers (with support vertical scroll) or change how to flip walls. If you use other then LL you need to setup the Favoritespanel, and customize Touch topnotifications.

I used a grid with 8 Cols and 12 Rows and LL.

A lot of Globals to customize.

Notifications shown for:

Whatsapp, TypeApp, GMail, Hangouts, Phone.

If you use others please adjust by yourself.

Please watch the video:

Store (sson) :

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Metadata script for any player. Requires android.permission.MEDIA_CONTENT_CONTROL !

Metadata script for any player. Requires android.permission.MEDIA_CONTENT_CONTROL !

Albumart works too, but is currently saved as an Image object in the global variable globalAA, because bindings can’t hold images.

This should work with any player on any device with Lollipop or higher.


Pierre Hébert would it be possible for a variable to hold a Bitmap/Image?

Pierre Hébert would it be possible for a variable to hold a Bitmap/Image?
