August, 2016

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Would like to say there’s a bug in the Marshmallow software i thought you guys had changed Lightning Launcher but…

Would like to say there’s a bug in the Marshmallow software i thought you guys had changed Lightning Launcher but turned out I had to reinstall the software all over again to fix my problem sorry for blaming you guys next time I will check for these types of problems before I assume it’s the dev’s fault.


My first Floating Desktop attempt (but boring home screen?) lol

My first Floating Desktop attempt (but boring home screen?) lol

…iPh*ne ? No, no, that’s mistake 😉

Originally shared by Masaoka Taro



・Lightning Launcher




Latest LL doesn’t save intents.

Latest LL doesn’t save intents.

XperiaZ5, Android 6.0.0


Strange new issue.

Strange new issue. I don’t know exactly when it started, but my Gmail unread count do not update anymore (only update upon starting the phone).

I’d say the issue is about 1 or 2 weeks old.

I am using a Nexus 6P, no root with latest update 6.0.1


Sorry for a mediocre video….

Sorry for a mediocre video….

HD would have been a big file, and I need more practice, to produce smoother showcase videos.

Originally shared by Michael P. Jackson

My new mobile preset built in Lightning Launcher, using elements designed in KWGT.

triangle for Kustom LWP

Originally shared by gerd reuter (werksmannschaft)

triangle for Kustom LWP

Lightning Launcher or Nova

with Whicons

4 Pages

with Horizontal Navigation by Scroll or Tap

LL-Version additional vertical Navigation by Scroll or Tap.

4 different Colorsets (Globals)

a lot of nice animations and Globals (to customize)

Watch the Video to see how it works.

Should work with or without Statusbar/Onscreen Buttons.

You may Need to adjust Globals in the Preset.

I used a grid with 8 Cols and 12 Rows

Notifications shown for:

Whatsapp, TypeApp, GMail, Hangouts, Phone.

If you use others please adjust by yourself.

Also you need to Customize the Favorites.

swipe 2 fingers down starts appdrawer

swipe 2 fingers up starts chrome

Playstore soon (2-3 hours from now):


Is it possible to have a folder with NO SHORTCUT ICON?

Is it possible to have a folder with NO SHORTCUT ICON?

I know the icon can be invisible (a hidden hotspot), but I want NO LL SHORTCUT to open the folder, as the folder will be opened by a touch action in a KWGT widget, so I don’t need any direct LL shortcut.

Is this possible, and if so, how?


Could not find the answer to this one in the forum: How can I change the icon size for all icons on the desktop in…

Could not find the answer to this one in the forum: How can I change the icon size for all icons on the desktop in one step?

Hi all, here is my template “Summer of Fjord”!

Hi all, here is my template “Summer of Fjord”!

well, this is not apk 😉

Please download “READ.txt” with the other files and read it before applying the template.

Does somebody know a way execute a task via a script that doesn’t freeze LL while it’s being executed?

Does somebody know a way execute a task via a script that doesn’t freeze LL while it’s being executed? I’ve tried posting runnables on the view of a container, but it doesn’t help.

Thanks in advance 🙂
