March, 2017

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Can anyone tell me if Lightning Launcher features a setting to animate the launch of the app drawer?

Can anyone tell me if Lightning Launcher features a setting to animate the launch of the app drawer?


I get this black line in app drawer and on the desktop too.

I get this black line in app drawer and on the desktop too. Tried everything but didn’t manege to make it disappear. Would appreciate any help. Thanks!




how do I get the ‘visibility’ and ‘clickable’ binding options to work properly? Once either are set to off, there seems to be now way to get it back on via variables. What am I doing wrong??

Please release a working badge for WhatsApp, it is vital

Please release a working badge for WhatsApp, it is vital

Wrong action happens when I push “back” from open folder from apps menu.

Wrong action happens when I push “back” from open folder from apps menu.. it just kicks me to desktop but I want just to close this folder. Maybe I did something wrong in settings? I set to close folder when app starts but it stays open..




I lost all my settings after the phone ran out of battery. When I turned on again there was only an empty desktop, no widgets, no icons, no folders, no bottom bar, only the wallpaper.

This is the 3rd time (including previous versions of the app when the phone runs out of battery ) that I needed to setup all from scratch.

My current version is v14.2b1(r2896)

Nexus 5

Android 6.0.1

Also there is a bug that cause some apps appears with 2 icons in the App Drawer one icon works and the other just said that the app is not installed. I don’t have this issue because I lost all but this problem appears after sometime of use.

Also please add the option that allow us to active auto organize icons in folders for example if you delete an app if you have an icon inside a folder you will see an empty space where the icon was.



LL crashes when I try to ‘move out of folder’ second app shortcut consecutively after moving an app shortcut out of…

LL crashes when I try to ‘move out of folder’ second app shortcut consecutively after moving an app shortcut out of folder successfully in ‘My Drawer’.

Is anyone facing the same issue? 


Hi Pierre Hébert​

Hi Pierre Hébert​

I am playing around with the SVG-stuff. But I cannot make it do what I want in Binding. My script works fine.

Here is the SVG:” xmlns:xlink=”

viewBox=”0 0 99 99″ style=”enable-background:new 0 0 99 99;” xml:space=”preserve”>

d=”M50,5 c-20,100 20,100 0,0″/>

Here is the working Script :

var s = getEvent().getItem().getBoxBackground(‘n’).getSvgRoot().getElementById(‘hand’)

if (s.getTransform() == null)

{ s.setTransform(‘rotate(33 -50 -60)’)}


{ s.setTransform(”)}

But as the photo shows, it will not rotate wirh bindings. But the binding-options for the SVG #hand do populate.

Any suggestions?


There is probably an easy way… But.. How do I get ‘down’ if there is no way ‘up’??

There is probably an easy way… But.. How do I get ‘down’ if there is no way ‘up’??

Official Xperia 7.0 Rom


I wrote a script to use as a launch animation that scales an item up and then down again (kinda like a bounce).

I wrote a script to use as a launch animation that scales an item up and then down again (kinda like a bounce). It works pretty good, but for some reason it makes LL use a ton of battery. Can anyone explain to me why or even suggest a better way to do it?

function fillOptions(options, defaults){

options = options || {};

for(var p in defaults){

if(typeof options[p] === “undefined”)

options[p] = defaults[p]


return options;


function setAndClearTimeout(func, timeout){

var id = setTimeout(function(){



}, timeout);


function animScale(it, newScale, duration, options){

options = fillOptions(options, {animType: null, clearBindings: true});

var varName = “scaleAnim”;

var form = “animate(‘$”+varName+”‘, “+duration;


form += ‘, “‘+options.animType+'”‘;

form += ‘)’;

var prop = it.getProperties();

var onGrid = prop.getBoolean(“i.onGrid”);


it.setBinding(“s.iconScale”, form, true)


it.setBinding(“”, form, true);

it.setBinding(““, form, true)


LL.setVariableFloat(varName, newScale);

setAndClearTimeout(function after(){



prop.edit().setFloat(“s.iconScale”, newScale).commit()


it.setScale(newScale, newScale);














}, duration)


function bounce(it, duration, scaleIncrease, options){

options = fillOptions(options, {after: null});

var itProp = it.getProperties()

, itScale;


itScale = itProp.getFloat(“s.iconScale”)


itScale = it.getScaleX()


animScale(it, itScale+scaleIncrease, duration/2, {animType:”de”, clearBindings:false, after: function(){

animScale(it, itScale, duration/2, {animType:”ac”, after: options.after, preciseFinish: true});



var e = getEvent();

var it = e.getItem();

bounce(it, 100, 0.25, {after: function(){


if(it.getIntent().getAction() == “android.intent.action.MAIN”){

getActiveScreen().runAction(EventHandler.RUN_SCRIPT, it, getScriptByName(“Scaling Animation”).getId());




